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Hostel Flomark * *

Address: Str. Cornisei Nr. 13
  Slatina, Olt county, Romania

Phone: +40 249 434649

Hostel Sportul

Hostel Sportul * *

Address: Str. Octavian Goga, Nr. 2
  Sibiu, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 212237

Mobile: +40 744 796200

Situated in a very good area of Sibiu, the Sport Hotel is located close to the park Sub Arini and the main sports stadiums from the city.
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Hostel La Galan * * *

Address: Str. 1 Mai Nr. 9
  Rădăuți, Suceava county, Romania

Phone: +40 230 561987

Mobile: +40 744 522555

Fax: +40 230 561987

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Hostel Formenerg * *

Address: Bd. Gheorghe Sincai Nr. 3, Sector 4
  Bucureşti, Bucureşti county, Romania

Phone: +40 213 304005

Fax: +40 213 301496

Situated very close to the Tineretului Park, the Formerg Hostel offers 52 rooms for 101 persons.
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Hostel Chimina * *

Address: Str. Baltagului, Nr. 6
  Piatra Neamț, Neamţ county, Romania

The Chimina Hotel is situated in the Complex of the Central Square from Piatra Neamt, 5 minutes away from the center of the city.
Hostel Sara

Hostel Sara * * *

Address: Str. Mihail Sturdza, Nr. 33, Et. 2
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 233471

Fax: +40 232 233471

The Sara Hostel is opened to those who apreciate more comfort, for less money.
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Hostel Ada * * *

Address: Bd. T. Vladimirescu, Nr. 125-127
  Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Phone: +40 252 326123

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Hostel Yourhostel Lamis * * *

Address: P-ta Filaret Nr. 2, Parter, Ap. 1,S4
  Bucureşti, Bucureşti county, Romania

Phone: +40 212 061522

Yourshotel Dalia offers 10 accomodation places in 5 rooms.
Hostel Complex Stefania

Hostel Complex Stefania * * *

Address: Str. Tineretului, Nr 7
  Costineşti, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 734070

Mobile: +40 723 504927

Fax: +40 241 734602

Hotel Stefania is situated in the centre of the seaside resort Costinesti, aproximately 200 metres from the beach, 100 metres from the CFR station and 20 metres from the auto station.
Hostel Egreta 1, 2

Hostel Egreta 1, 2 * * *

Address: Olimp, Str. Plopilor, nr. 1
  Neptun, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 744 601936

Mobile: +40 722 339294

Fax: +40 241 701090

One of the newest hotels from Olimp, the Egrete hostel (hotel for youth) is situated in front of the sea and the complex Amphitheater- Panoramic- Belvedere.


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