Rezervaţii naturale

The Forest and Botanical Reservation Balteni

The Forest and Botanical Reservation Balteni

The forester and botanical Reservation Balteni is situated in the meadow of the Barlad river, 10 kilometers away from Vaslui. The area where the forest is represents many depressions and is temporary flooded.

Although the initial area of the forest was about 300 hectares, because of the major logging, the surface has only 18,8 hectares.

The Natural Reservation The Keys of Ampoitiei

The Natural Reservation The Keys of Ampoitiei

The Natural Reservation the Keys of Ampoitei is found on the middle flow of the Ampoita river, The reservation lies on a surface of 41 hectares, having an accidented relief because of its compact calcars, being a good forest part. Cheile Ampoitei are 500 meters long and 250-300 meters deep.Above the altitude of 850 meters, that marks the high border from the mountains of the keys, the relief is dominated by soft tops and slides, but the walls are very oblique and present a bumpy relief, sculpted in torrential valleys, such as Coltul Caprei and Piatra Buhii. On the right mountain there are caves from which the most significant is The Liliac Cave, 311 meters long, situated under the Hanjului Top.

The Natural Reservation Intregalde Keys

The Natural Reservation Intregalde Keys

The Natural Reservation Cheile Intergalde lies on a surface of 800 meters and presents 2 limestone tops, Plaiul (1174 m) on the North and Plesa Caprei (1139 m) on South. The both are remains of an old plateau, where the waters of Galzii dug through these gigantic keys, specific to the karst relief of Apuseni. The reservation is part of the keys system that crosses the limestone massive of Ciumerna-Badeleu on the West of Trascau Mountains. The relief is very impressing.

The Natural Reservation Manastirii Keys

The Natural Reservation Manastirii Keys

The Cheile Manastirii Reservation is situated on Manastirii Valley, on the other side of Ramet Monastery. The keys suffered transformations because of the erosion of limestone Plesa Rametului-Piatra Cetii. They are part of a large system of keys and valleys dug by the waters of Ramet. Although they are not very long, they present 108 meter walls, ideal for alpinism and escalation.

The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys

The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys

The Natural Reservation Cheile Rametului are situated in the Center-Eastern side of the Trascau Mountains, on the middle course of Geoagiului Valley, the highest altitude being 1189 meters and the lowest 530 meters. In the Eastern side and the Western side, the reservation is delimited by the glacier that surrounds the limestone mountains Uzmezeu to the North, Fundoi to the South and goes down on the Geoagiului Valley.

The Northern Border is formed by the outskirts that separates the border of the limestone abrupt to the forrest situated near to the cote 1135 m and continues from the East to the West on the border of the abrupt, and the Southern one is constituted the border of a small limestone plateau situated between the cotes 1158 m and 1166 m, dominated by the Piatra din Chei top (1189m). The entrance on the keys is very difficult because on a distance of about 1 km they can be crossed only in a dry season through the waters of the river.

The Turzii Keys Natural Reservation

The Turzii Keys Natural Reservation

The Cheile Turzii Reservation lies on a distance of 6 km from Turda, being situated on the Hasdate Valley. Their length is 2900 meters and the walls are 300 meters high, having a surface of 125 hectares. They were formed as a result of the erosion of the limestone rock from the Hasdate River. The landscape is dominated by the presence of some high and abrupt cliffs, high tops, etc. On the territory of the reservation there are 60 caves, from which the most popular is Cetateaua Mare, situated on the right side of the Hasdate Valley.

The Natural Reservation Darmanesti

The Natural Reservation Darmanesti

The Natural Reservation Darmanesti is situated on an altitude of 600-700 meters on a mountain, on a surface of 3 hectares, on the West of Bacau county, in the mountain depression Comanesti-Darmanesti, from the central group of Oriental Carpathians.

The Botanic Reservation Poiana cu Narcise from Saca Mountain

The Botanic Reservation Poiana cu Narcise from Saca Mountain

The Botanic Reservation is situated on the Eastern top of the Saca mountain, from the crystal massive of Rodna. It lies on the administrative territory of Rodna Veche, Bistrita-Nasaud county, close to the Valea Vinului village. You can get to the reservation by leaving from Valea Vinului to Saca Mountain, by the two roads. The first road goes to the west to the Popii Hill and the second one follows Valea Secii and then goes up on the Southern top of Dealul Popii, so that the Saca top can be reached, where there is the lent lily glade, on an altitude of 1600 meters. It is the Botanic Reservation situated on the highest altitude from our country.

The Natural Reservation Dumbrava Vadului

The Natural Reservation Dumbrava Vadului

The Reservation Dumbrava Vadului is situated on the border of the Vad village where there is an oak forest, on a surface of 400 hectares. In the existing meadows there are many lent lilies, plants that are favored by the traced mud soils, being the only reservation from Europe having this profile. The lent lilies meadows lie on over 300 hectares and in some places there are more then 150 per square meter.

The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor

The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor

The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor is a scientific reservation, part of the Biosphere Reservation Delta Dunarii, being bordered on the North-West by the Zmeica Lake, on the East, South and South West by the Sinoe Lake, on the West by the Canal 2, on the North by Golovita Lake. On the territory of the reservation the predominant medium is the aquatic one. The terrestrial medium is represented by dry soils, that favored the development of the flora and fauna like the East-European veldt, with Mediterranean influences. Between the 2 mediums, the aquatic and the terrestrial one there is the mud area, liable to inundation, which has flora and fauna having the alternative adapting possibility.



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