Rezervaţii naturale

The Natural Reservation Huda lui Papara

The Natural Reservation Huda lui Papara

The Natural Reservation Huda lui Papara has a special spelunking, because it cumulates all the superlatives for this mountain group and not only: the longest, the least leveled, the most difficult, the one with the largest hall, with the largest gallery, with the longest sub terrain course, with the highest debit, with the biggest waterfall, with the most numerous habitation of bats from Europe.

The Mixed Reservation Ineu-Lala

The Mixed Reservation Ineu-Lala

The mixed Reservation Ineu-Lala is part of the National Park Rodna Mountains. The Reservation lies on a surface of 2568 hectares and it presents a wide development of the glacial relief, with elements of the hydrographic system. One of the biggest and most beautiful glacial lakes from the country, situated in the Rodna Mountains, under the Ineu Top, is The Lala Mare Lake. It is situated on the altitude of 1815 m, lying on a surface of about 6000 square meters and is 2 m deep. It has a fishing fauna.

The Ornithologic Reservation Lake and Legea Valley

The Ornithologic Reservation Lake and Legea Valley

The Reservation Lake and Legea Valley is situated in the superior side of Fizes River, close to the Legii Village, and lies on a surface of 45 hectares. The Reservation has many mud valleys covered by Sulphur. In 1967 it was declared nature monument. On the territory of the Reservation there are many species of migrating birds.

The Natural Reservation Stiucii Lake

The Natural Reservation Stiucii Lake

The Stiucii Lake Reservation is situated close to the Bontului Valley, an affluent of Fizes, between Fizesu Gherlii and Sic, situated in Cluj County. The lake is part of the Campia Transilvania pool, situated in the Fizesului Valley, affluent of the Somesul Mic and represents a miniature delta where many kinds of migrating birds stop for food.

The Ornithologic Reservation Satchinez

The Ornithologic Reservation Satchinez

The Satchinez Muds are situated close to the Satchinez town, from Timis county, lying on 242 hectares. The reservation was founded in 1942 as ornithological natural reservation, being an excellent shelter area. Because of the numerous birds species from here, about 25% from the species from Romania, and because of the mud, the reservation is also called “Banatului Delta”.

The Botanic Reservation Movila of Burcel

The Botanic Reservation Movila of Burcel

The Botanic Reservation Movila of Burcel is situated on the North-West of Miclesti, close to the road that connects the cities Vaslui and Iasi, its surface being 12 hectares. The Hill Movila lui Burcel has an accidental relief, characterized by many types of erosion. Because of the vegetation, the terrain is partially stabilized. The extracting of significant quantities of sand stone, the intense grassing had as result a more accentuated destroying of the grass.

The Natural Reservation Ostrovul Mare

The Natural Reservation Ostrovul Mare

The Natural Reservation Ostrovul Mare is situated on the administrative territory of Islaz, lying on a surface of 140 hectares. The main objective of the reservation is protecting and conserving a colony of the small cormorant, among with the natural arboretums, almost virgin, of Populus nigra, that nowadays are 30 m high and a medium covering of 75%. There is also remarked in the protected area the presence of other bird species, such as egrets and aigrette.

The Pietrosu Forestier Reservation

The Pietrosu Forestier Reservation

The Pietrosu forest was declared reservation in 1994, being part of the administration Ocolul Silvic Dobrovat. The forester reservation of scientific national interest is situated in Dobrovat, 25 km away from the Iasi municipal. The reservation lies on a surface of 83 hectares, where there is also a beech, a yoke elm and a linden forest. The forest has exemplars aged between 100 and 150 years.

The Natural Reservation Troianu Forest

The Natural Reservation Troianu Forest

The Troianu forest is situated in the Northern side of the Boianului field, close to Gavanu-Burdea and Urlui River. The reservation is part of the administrative area of the commune Troianul (Teleorman County), situated between Troianu and Vatra. It lies on a surface of 71 hectares, being in the custody of the Silvic Direction Alexandria. It has been declared reservation since 2004, in order to protect the peony, a specie that is threatened by extinction, being included in the Red List of the Superior Plants from Romania.

The Speologic Reservation Cobasel Cave

The Speologic Reservation Cobasel Cave

The Cobasel Cave is situated on the territory of the National Park Rodna Mountains, on the left versant of the Cobasel Valley, about 6 km away from the Sant town and 60 meters away from Paraul Rasului.



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