Hospitality offers in Mehedinţi county

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Pensiunea Septembrie

Pensiunea Septembrie * * *

Address: Strada Dunării, Nr. 1198D
  Eşelniţa, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Mobile: +40 726 135065

The “September Inn” (“Pensiunea Septembrie”, in Romanian) is located on the Danube, at the end of Danube Gorges (“Cazanele Mici”), on the national road DN 57 which connects Orşova and Moldova Nouă towns (km 17 + 800). The September Inn is next to the Iron Gate Natural Park (protected natural reserve).
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Vila Belvedere * *

Address: Baraj Portile de Fier
  Gura Văii, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Pensiunea Steaua Dunarii

Pensiunea Steaua Dunarii * *

Address: Str. Dunarii, Nr. 1016
  Eşelniţa, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Mobile: +40 723 542121;+40 722 207918

Fax: +40 720 112848

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Pensiunea Aas * *

Address: Str. Brancoveanu Nr. 105
  Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Phone: +40 252 329032

Pensiunea Maria Verona

Pensiunea Maria Verona * * *

Address: Str. Smardan, Nr. 3
  Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Phone: +40 352 401590;+40 352 401591

Mobile: +40 768 104802;+40 768 104806

Fax: +40 352 401590

Pensiunea Cambera

Pensiunea Cambera * * *

Address: D.N. 70
  Șimian, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 338532

Mobile: +40 743 595466

Pensiunea Mareta

Pensiunea Mareta * *

Address: Sat Jignita, Nr. 59
  Căzăneşti, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Phone: +40 252 385058

Mobile: +40 722 546826

Fax: +40 252 385058

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Pensiunea Class * *

Address: Loc. Simian
  Șimian, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Mobile: +40 788 211999;+40 745 594389

Fax: +40 262 338645

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Pensiunea Ass * *

Address: Str. Brancoveanu Nr. 105
  Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi county, Romania

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Pensiunea Belvedere * * *

Address: B-dul Alunis, Nr. 44
  Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi county, Romania

Phone: +40 252 328186



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