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Hostel Victoria * * *

Address: Str. Locomotivei Nr. 10
  Craiova, Dolj county, Romania

Phone: +40 251 411544

Fax: +40 251 411544

The Victoria Hostel is situated close to the CFR Craiova station and the Bus station from South Craiova.
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Hostel Perla * *

Address: Str. Bailor, nr. 19A
  Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 215629

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Hostel Vadul Cerbului * *

Address: DN 1, Km. 126
  Buşteni, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: 0765 733 403

The Hostel Vadu Cerbului offers accomodation in 32 rooms with 2 beds.
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Hostel Anna Maria * * *

Address: Str. Nicodim Nr. 12, Sector 6
  Bucureşti, Bucureşti county, Romania

Phone: +40 21 7786653

The Anna Maria Hostel is situated on the exit from Bucharest, to the road Bucharest-Pitesti.
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Hostel Flomark * *

Address: Str. Cornisei Nr. 13
  Slatina, Olt county, Romania

Phone: +40 249 434649

Hostel Amiral Nord

Hostel Amiral Nord * * *

Address: Str. Tineretului Nr1
  Costineşti, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 721 789283

The Amiral Nord Complex is situated on the Tineretului street number 2, in the Center of Costinesti, 200 m away from the beach and it offers accomodation on 3 stars, rooms with their own bathroom, TV, fridge, hot water permanently, with or without air conditioning, all the rooms have balconies.
Hostel Mignon

Hostel Mignon * * *

Address: Mamaia, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 879034

Mobile: +40 724 339422;+40 721 242411

Fax: +40 241 549494

Hostel Mignon 3*** is situated in the center of Mamaia, 15 m away from the Hotel Palm Beach, 50 m away from Tomis Hotel and 100 m from Mamaia Hotel.
Hostel Miorita

Hostel Miorita * * *

Address: Str. Lipscani Nr.12 Sector 3
  Bucureşti, Bucureşti county, Romania

Phone: +40 21 3120361

Mobile: +40 746 167218

Fax: +40 21 3120328

Situated across the National Bank of Romania, in the historical Center of Bucharest, the Miorita Hostel Bucharest is the place where you will feel the pulse of the city.
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Hostel Big Ben * *

Address: Str. Mesterul Manole Nr. 6
  Constanţa, Constanţa county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 209869

Fax: +40 241 680700

Hostel Rivoli

Hostel Rivoli * * *

Address: Str Postavarului, Nr 98A, Sector 3
  Bucureşti, Bucureşti county, Romania

Phone: +40 213 454561

Mobile: +40 724 370496

Fax: +40 213 454561

The hotel is situated very close to the Commercial Center Billa and Auchan, 7 minutes away from the center of the city and 2 minutes away from Autostrada Soarelui.


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