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Hostel Azur 1 * *

Address: Autostrada Bucuresti-Pitesti, Km 36
  A. Bucureşti-Piteşti, Giurgiu county, Romania

Hostel Amiral

Hostel Amiral * * *

Address: Str. Tineretului Nr.1
  Costineşti, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 241 734944

The 2** Hotel Amiral is situated on a small distance from the beach, about 300 merters, close to the Postal Office. The hotel offers 58 rooms: double rooms, triple rooms, apartments and rooms with 4 places.
Hostel Hidroconstructia

Hostel Hidroconstructia * *

Address: Str. Ardealului Nr. 166
  Caransebeş, Caraş-Severin county, Romania

Phone: +40 255 516400

Fax: +40 255 516401

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Hostel Transilvania * *

Address: Str. Dealului, Nr. 32
  Sibiu, Sibiu county, Romania

Hostel Lary

Hostel Lary * *

Address: Sat Patrauti, Poiana Itcani, Nr. 1195
  Pătrăuți, Suceava county, Romania

Phone: +40 747 086329

Fax: +40 330 815391

We have 16 seats of which 3 double rooms and 2 rooms with 4 beds ( equipped with bathroom ). The price varies between 35 RON and 65 RON. Real backpackers choose LARY HOSTEL because they know they will have the super time of their travel.
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Hostel Anna Maria * * *

Address: Str. Nicodim Nr. 12, Sector 6
  Bucureşti, Bucureşti county, Romania

Phone: +40 21 7786653

The Anna Maria Hostel is situated on the exit from Bucharest, to the road Bucharest-Pitesti.
Hostel Agatha Christie

Hostel Agatha Christie * * *

Address: Ciuperceasca
  Băneşti, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 594675

Mobile: +40 746 167570

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Hostel Perla * *

Address: Str. Bailor, nr. 19A
  Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 215629

Hostel Bel Air

Hostel Bel Air * * *

Address: Str. Garii Nr. 127
  Costineşti, Constanţa county, Romania

Phone: +40 314 255106

Mobile: +40 745 408367;+40 733 308250

Hostel Bel Air is situated 500 m away from the beach. Hostel Bel Air 2** offers the tourists 17 double rooms, each of them having their own bathroom.
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Hostel Sunset Beach * * *

Address: Str.Falezei, Nr.16
  Vama Veche, Constanţa county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 593885;+40 752 037148

Fax: +40 241 858040

The Complex has a hotel with 21 rooms, from which 3 triple rooms and 18 double rooms with their own bathroom, central heating, TV, internet, hair dryer. All the rooms have view to the sea.


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