Hospitality offers in Bacău county

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Pensiunea Cameleon 1 * *

Address: Hemeiuș, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 217682

Fax: +40 234 217682

Pensiunea Leurdis

Pensiunea Leurdis *

Address: Sat Poiana Sarata, Str. Principala, Nr. 133
  Oituz, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 350280

Mobile: +40 745 070265

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Pensiunea Alex * *

Address: Str. Nicolae Balcescu Nr. 59A
  Slănic Moldova, Bacău county, Romania

Mobile: +40 788 103010

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Motel Selena Motor Sport * * *

Address: Str. Chimiei Nr. 12
  Bacău, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 585695

Fax: +40 234 585590

The motel has 17 rooms equipped to the highest international standards, a terrace restaurant, a club and other annexes that complete the services offered to the teams participating in competitions.
Pensiunea First Class

Pensiunea First Class * * * *

Address: Str. Redului, Nr.130
  Onești, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 318083

Mobile: +40 744 583738;+40 744 939464

Situated at the entrance of Onesti from Adjud, at the roundabout at the Carom gate, the pension First Class is a truly first-class pension! The Pension offers accommodation in 7 rooms with one and two beds, each having TV, bathroom and terrace.
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Hotel Bradul * *

Address: Str. Republicii Nr. 6
  Comăneşti, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 374302

Fax: +40 234 234301

Bradul Hotel is located in Comanesti.
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Motel Migdal * *

Address: Str. Marasesti, Nr 79
  Onești, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 319911

Fax: +40 234 317340

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Pensiunea Select * *

Address: Str. Poieni, Nr. 46 Bis
  Târgu Ocna, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 341320

Fax: +40 234 341320

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Pensiunea Margareta * *

Address: Nr. 260
  Hârja, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 350285

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Pensiunea Turist * *

Address: Str. Emil Rebreanu, Nr. 11A
  Onești, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 316848



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