Hospitality offers in Bacău county

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Pensiunea Soferul

Pensiunea Soferul * * *

Address: Calea Moldovei, Nr. 252
  Bacău, 600353, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 520350

Mobile: +40 788 119400;+40 744 119489

Fax: +40 234 525344

Situated in a residential area of Bacau, in the Gheraiesti quarter and about 10 minutes of walking from the center of the city to Piatra Neamt, the Soferul Pension offers accomodation in the rooms, apartments and suite of comfort 2* and 3*, with double and matrimonial beds, in excellent conditions.
Vila George Apostu

Vila George Apostu * *

Address: Str. Crangului, Nr. 18
  Bacău, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 545515

The George Apostu Villa is situated in Bacau, 289 km away from Bucharest, in a modern, ellegant ambiance.
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Pensiunea Nemira * *

Address: Str. Capitan Busila Nr. 12
  Târgu Ocna, Bacău county, Romania

Pensiunea Deaky

Pensiunea Deaky * *

Address: Str. Principala, Nr. 40
  Ghimeş-Făget, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 385621

Mobile: +40 723 591410

Pensiunea Leurdis

Pensiunea Leurdis *

Address: Sat Poiana Sarata, Str. Principala, Nr. 133
  Oituz, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 350280

Mobile: +40 745 070265

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Pensiunea Steaua De Munte * * *

Address: Str. Albotesti
  Poduri, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 365492

Fax: +40 234 365492

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Vila Cfr * *

Address: Str. Vasile Alecsandri Nr. 13
  Slănic Moldova, 605500 , Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 348560

Fax: +40 234 348560

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Pensiunea Andrei * *

Address: Str. N. Balcescu Nr. 18C
  Slănic Moldova, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 348586

Hotel Bistrita

Hotel Bistrita * *

Address: Str. Luminii Nr. 3
  Bacău, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 133544

Fax: +40 234 547031

Modern and accessible, located in the center of Bacau city, Bistrita Hotel *** is the ideal choice regarding accommodation for businessmen and tourists in transit.
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Pensiunea Margareta * *

Address: Str. Nicolae Balcescu Nr. 96A
  Slănic Moldova, Bacău county, Romania

Phone: +40 234 348497

Mobile: +40 744 955192

Fax: +40 234 348042

Situated at the entrance of Slanic Moldova resort, in Bacau county, the pension is rated at three stars and offers accommodation for 42 people.


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