The Natural Park Apuseni



The Natural Park is situated in the Central-North-Eastern side of the Apuseni mountains, lying on a side of Bihor Mountains on the South and Vladeasa on the North. The fact that it is declared Natural Park has to do with its rich landscape. The most important formations of this kind are: Piatra Altarului Cave, Rea Valley Cave, Aven V5 (the deepest cave from the country), Micula Cave, Zgrasti Cave (with the biggest sub terrain lake in Romania), The Glacier from Scarisoara (the biggest sub terrain glacier from the country), Focul Viu Glacier, Pestera Onceasca, Vartop Glacier, Poienita-Humpleu, Sighisetului Valley (it offers the biggest natural cavity density from the territory of our country), Ursilor Cave.

Piatra Altarului Cave is emblematic because of its karst phenomena, being one of the most important from the world. The Cave is remarked because of the existence of the calcite crystals, of the huge columns, the discs that constitute a rarity. The most known formations from Piatra Altarului are the water lilies from “The Paradise Hall”.

The Cave from Rea Valley is considered the most complex cave from the country, being the biggest cave-museum from Romania, so that the 35 minerals compounding it situate the cave among the 10 of this kind from the world. It has the biggest perfect vertical sub terrain waterfall from Romania.

The Onceasa Cave is one of the most important sits from Europe. It contains especially the bones of a bear specie (Ursus spelaeus).

The system Poienita-Humpleu is situated on the first place in the top of the increasing unities in Bihor Mountains. It has the widest sub terrain spaces from the country.

Ursilor Caves the only pale-ontological sit from Romania.

Along with this formations of a rare beauty tourists can also enjoy the view offered by: Rachitele Waterfall, Rametilor Keys, Turzii Keys, Turului/Turenilor Keys, Fantanele Lake, Tarnita, Ponorului Citadel and Radesei Citadel.


Photo galery

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