Hotels from Sinaia

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Hotel Bulevard

Hotel Bulevard * *

Address: Bd. Carol I Nr. 65
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315556

Fax: +40 244 315556

The Bulevard Hotel offers the tourists 55 accomodation places, structured in double and triple rooms. It is a new hotel, opened in 2005, that offers tourist services on competitive prices.
Hotel Cerbul

Hotel Cerbul * *

Address: Bd. Carol I Nr.19
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 312391

Fax: +40 244 311018

The Cerbul Hotel is situated in the center of the tourist resort Sinaia, very close to the Ghica Park. It has access from the DN1.
Pensiunea Pinul

Pensiunea Pinul * *

Address: Str. Tirul cu Porumbei Nr. 2
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315090

Mobile: +40 766 243059;+40 723 078178

Fax: +40 244 310831

The Pinul Pension is situated about 350 m away from the lift, on a mountain top that offers a wonderful landscape.
Hotel Stadion

Hotel Stadion * *

Address: Str. Calea Bucuresti Nr. 22
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315475

The Stadion Hotel is situated very close to the municipal stadium, having 88 places in double and single rooms, as well as in apartments, with all the comfort.
Vila Stavilar

Vila Stavilar * *

Address: Aleea Pelesului Nr. 2
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 313719

The Complex is situated 200 m away from the National Road 1 Bucuresti- Brasov, 500 m away from the Peles Castle and the Sinaia Monastery, 800 m away from the Sinaia train station and 800 m away from the center of the city.
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Pensiunea Codrului * * *

Address: Str. Calea Codrului Nr. 23 Lot 2
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 726633

The Villa is situated close to the Peles Castle and the Sinaia Monastery.
Pensiunea Indra

Pensiunea Indra * *

Address: Str. Platoul Izvor Nr. 30
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 558580;+40 729 989097

The Indra Pension is situated on the entrance from Bucharest, in the beautiful Sinaia resort.
Pensiunea Alina

Pensiunea Alina * *

Address: Str. 1 Mai Nr. 1
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 243 314268

Mobile: +40 748 226705;+40 723 670176

The Alina Pension is situated in Sinaia, 124 km away from Bucharest on DN1, after the St. Ilie church, on the first street on the left and the following street also to the left, the first house on the left side.
Pensiunea Micsunica

Pensiunea Micsunica * * *

Address: Str. Avram Iancu Nr. 47
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 691648

The Micsunica Pension offers 20 accomodation places, in 6 double rooms and 2 apartments. It is situated in a quiet area but with access from DN1.
Pensiunea Gabriel

Pensiunea Gabriel * * *

Address: Str. M. Kogalniceanu Nr. 35
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311169

Fax: +40 244 311169

Situated on a central area of the resort, in a wonderful natural scenery, the Gabriel Pension offers the quiet you are looking for in spending a holiday or a weekend.


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