Hotels from Sinaia

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Hotel Stadion

Hotel Stadion * *

Address: Str. Calea Bucuresti Nr. 22
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315475

The Stadion Hotel is situated very close to the municipal stadium, having 88 places in double and single rooms, as well as in apartments, with all the comfort.
Pensiunea Iriss

Pensiunea Iriss * * *

Address: Str. Privighetorilor, Nr. 15
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 312963;+40 244 310143;+40 244 310159

Mobile: +40 723 542586

The Iris House is situated in Sinaia, 125 km to the North from Bucharest, on the Prahova Valley, one of the most visited tourist attractions from the country.
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Vila 8 *

Address: Str. Garbovei Nr. 13
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315596

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Motel Privabenz * *

Address: Calea Prahovei, Nr. 17-19
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Pensiunea Edrinks

Pensiunea Edrinks * * *

Address: Str. Pustnicului Nr. 43
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 249900

The tourist pension Edrinks is part of the 3 stars category pension, having an accomodation capacity of 16 places. It has equipmend on superrior quality standards.
Hotel Cota 1400

Hotel Cota 1400 * * * *

Address: Cota 1400, Str. Drumul Cotei
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 314990;+40 244 314997

Fax: +40 244 314997

Situated on the Bucegi platform, on the altitude of 1400 m, the Cota 1400 hotel is the ideal choice for any traveler, tourist or business man.
Pensiunea Micsunica

Pensiunea Micsunica * * *

Address: Str. Avram Iancu Nr. 47
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 691648

The Micsunica Pension offers 20 accomodation places, in 6 double rooms and 2 apartments. It is situated in a quiet area but with access from DN1.
Pensiunea Alex

Pensiunea Alex * * *

Address: Str. Theodor Aman Nr. 9
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315497

The Alex Pension is situated close to the lift from Sinaia, on the way that goes to the cote 1400.
Pensiunea Raluca

Pensiunea Raluca * * *

Address: Str. 1 Mai Nr.13
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 313144

The Raluca Pension is situated close to the International Hotel, in a quiet area.
Pensiunea Pinul

Pensiunea Pinul * *

Address: Str. Tirul cu Porumbei Nr. 2
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315090

Mobile: +40 766 243059;+40 723 078178

Fax: +40 244 310831

The Pinul Pension is situated about 350 m away from the lift, on a mountain top that offers a wonderful landscape.


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