Hotels from Sinaia

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Hotel International

Hotel International * * * *

Address: Str. Avram Iancu Nr. 1
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 313851

Fax: +40 244 310470

Situated in a beautiful area there is the International Hotel, bulit in 1983 as a hotel for winter sports and was reconditioned in 2001-2003 as a business center and a recreation place.
Cabana Cuibul Dorului

Cabana Cuibul Dorului * *

Address: Cota 1160 Platoul Bucegi
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311411

The Cuibul Dorului Cottage is situated 1120 m altitude, on DN71 Sinaia-Targoviste, being situated about 7 km away from Sinaia.
Pensiunea Ana-Maria

Pensiunea Ana-Maria * * *

Address: Str. Avram Iancu Nr. 2A
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311055

Fax: +40 244 313621

The Ana Maria Pension has accomodation areas structured in double rooms with 2 beds or matrimonial bed and apartments, all of them having 3 stars facilities.
Vila Splendid

Vila Splendid * *

Address: Str. Ferdinand Nr. 18
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 310388

Fax: +40 244 310388

The Splendid Villa is siutated on DN1, close to the Peles Castle and the Sinaia Casino and it has 17 rooms.
Vila Casa Teo

Vila Casa Teo * * * * *

Address: Calea Codrului Nr. 40
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311062

Fax: +40 244 311157

The Casa Teo Villa is situated in a quiet area, on the way that goes to Cota 1400.
Cabana Schiorilor

Cabana Schiorilor * * *

Address: Str. Drumul Cotei 1400 Nr.7
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 313655

The Schiori cottage offers an accomodation offer of 33 seats, having 3 suites, 4 double rooms and 4 duplexes.
Hotel Economat

Hotel Economat * *

Address: Aleea Pelesului Nr. 2
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311151

Fax: +40 244 311150

The Economat Hotel is situated very close to the Peles Castle, built on the same style like the castle, being simple, as well as elegant and comfortable.
Pensiunea Popasul Haiducilor

Pensiunea Popasul Haiducilor * * *

Address: Str. Sportului Nr 1
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 710230

The pension is situated close to the forest from the way that goes to the cote 1400, close to the Pelisor Castles and Peles castle, in the best tourist area, a few minutes away from the center of the resort and the lift.
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Vila Domina * * * *

Address: Str. Furnica Nr. 67
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311488

Fax: +40 244 311489

Domina Villa offers 4 double rooms and one apartment with three rooms, breakfast room and fully equipped kitchen.
Hotel Stadion

Hotel Stadion * *

Address: Str. Calea Bucuresti Nr. 22
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 315475

The Stadion Hotel is situated very close to the municipal stadium, having 88 places in double and single rooms, as well as in apartments, with all the comfort.


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