Hospitality offers in Sibiu county

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Pensiunea Miorita

Pensiunea Miorita * *

Address: Str. Morii Nr. 15
  Vale, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 552708

Mobile: +40 742 012815

Miorita agrotouristic Pension is situated in the Vale village, near the town Saliste, about 23 km from Sibiu.
Pensiunea Kristine

Pensiunea Kristine *

Address: Str. Luceafarului, Nr. 42
  Sibiu, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 238479

Mobile: +40 721 457338

The Kristine Pension from Sibiu offers accomodation in its 5 rooms with bathroom, TV and TV cable, internet and central heating.
Picture unavailable

Pensiunea Calin * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 417
  Gura Râului, 557095, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 572323

Mobile: +40 740 303838

Pensiunea Magnolia

Pensiunea Magnolia * * *

Address: Calea Turnisorului, Nr. 144
  Sibiu, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 250325

Mobile: +40 745 267276

Fax: +40 269 250325

Situated in Sibiu in the Turnisor neighborhood on the intersection of the Alba Iulia street with Turnisorului Alley, 5 minutes away from the airport and 10 min away from the historical center, the Magnolia Pension, classified on 3 stars, offers accomodation in 6 double rooms and an apartment with 2 rooms.
Pensiunea Bassen Pension

Pensiunea Bassen Pension * * *

Address: Nr. 237
  Bazna, 557030, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 850375

Mobile: +40 746 240506

Pensiunea Casa Spatar

Pensiunea Casa Spatar * *

Address: Str. Nicovalei Nr. 5
  Sibiu, Sibiu county, Romania

Mobile: +40 741 212844;+40 749 219300

The Casa Spatar Pension is situated in Sibiu, very close to the Cultural Center and the Central train station and it has 10 accomodation areas and interior parking.
Pensiunea Casa Rosca

Pensiunea Casa Rosca * *

Address: Str. Sibiului Nr. 1860
  Rășinari, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 223359

Mobile: +40 728 007924;+40 728 007921

Pensiunea Sub Cetate

Pensiunea Sub Cetate * * *

Address: Nr.179
  Cisnădioara, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 561507

Mobile: +40 740 220049;+40 741 220064

Pensiunea Haus Paltinul

Pensiunea Haus Paltinul * * *

Address: Str. Paltinul Nr. 14
  Sibiu, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 216297

Mobile: +40 728 275444;+40 722 275170

The Pension Haus-Paltinul classified on 3 stars is situated in the central area of Sibiu, on the DN 1 road, on the entrance in Sibiu from Brasov, the 4th street on the right.


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