Hospitality offers in Neamţ county

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Pensiunea Maria Mariana

Pensiunea Maria Mariana * * *

Address: Pipirig, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 233 790279

Mobile: +40 740 012976;+40 788 379867

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Pensiunea Poiana * *

Address: Str. Izvorul Muntelui Nr. 110
  Bicaz, Neamţ county, Romania

Pensiunea Cozla

Pensiunea Cozla * *

Address: Str. Elena Cuza Nr. 8
  Piatra Neamț, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 233 234204

Situated in Piatra Neamt, on the foothill of the mountain with the same name, in a natural, quiet area, close to the zoo, the Cozla Pensioon wellcomes you for trips, holidays or business visitis, delegation.
Pensiunea Maria

Pensiunea Maria * *

Address: Voronet
  Gura Humorului, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 230 231572

Mobile: +40 740 093368

Hotel Mariko Inn

Hotel Mariko Inn * * *

Address: DN E85
  Cordun, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 233 742525

Fax: +40 233 744322

Mariko hotel complex is located outside the city of Roman (Neamt county) toward Iasi.
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Pensiunea Florivas * *

Address: Poiana Largului, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 233 257682

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Pensiunea Harieta * *

Address: Str. Sacalusesti Nr. 1
  Săcălușești, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 233 247081

Mobile: +40 740 254164

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Pensiunea Petrisor * *

Address: Durau
  Ceahlău, Neamţ county, Romania

Mobile: +40 721 243326

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Pensiunea Alexia * * *

Address: Alexandru cel Bun, Neamţ county, Romania

Phone: +40 744 521755

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Pensiunea Paleu * * *

Address: Str. Centru Nr. 17
  Bicazu Ardelean, Neamţ county, Romania



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