Hotels from Rezervaţia biosferei Delta Dunării

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Pensiunea Solinia

Pensiunea Solinia * * * *

Address: Nr. 422
  Dunăvăţu de Jos, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 516985

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Vila Delfinul 1,2,3,4,5 * * * *

Address: Gura de varsare a Dunarii in Marea Neagra
  Sfântu Gheorghe, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 500707

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Pensiunea Pelican * * *

Address: Str. Trandafirilor, Nr. 26
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 510078

Mobile: +40 743 211364

Hotel Europolis

Hotel Europolis * * *

Address: Str. Pacii, Nr. 20
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 512443

Fax: +40 240 512443

Enjyong a central location in Tulcea and right next to the city hall, Hotel Europolis is provided with air-conditioned units, a restaurant and free WiFi throughout the property.
Hotel Rex

Hotel Rex * * * *

Address: Str. Toamnei, Nr. 1
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 511351;+40 240 511352

Mobile: +40 240 511354

Fax: +40 240 511354

In the heart of Tulcea city, at the crossing of some main thoroughfares, the new Rex Hotel is one of the city's reference buildings, designed up to European standards.
Hotel Select

Hotel Select * * *

Address: Piaţa Civică, Nr. 1
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 506180;+40 240 506181;+40 240 506182

Mobile: +40 374 003520

Fax: +40 240 506183

This hotel is in the center of Tulcea and just 650 ft from the shores of the Danube.
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Pensiunea Fortuna * * *

Address: Sat Gorgova
  Maliuc, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 608674

Pensiunea Morena

Pensiunea Morena * * * * *

Address: Murighiol, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 545645

Fax: +40 240 545640

Pensiunea Valodea

Pensiunea Valodea * *

Address: Localitate
  Mila 23, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546393

The pension is located in the Mile 23 village, in the heart of the Danube Delta, providing accommodation in full board or half board.
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Pensiunea Sunrise - B * * *

Address: Complex Turistic Sunrise
  Crişan, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 514423



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