Hotels from Rezervaţia biosferei Delta Dunării

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Pensiunea Delfinul A

Pensiunea Delfinul A * *

Address: Str. Iva, Nr.100
  Sulina, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 721 830258

Hotel Mon Jardin

Hotel Mon Jardin * * * *

Address: Mahmudia, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 545511

Mobile: +40 728 020766

Fax: +40 240 545513

The stay in our hotel will offer you a flawless services experience, provided by European standard capabilities, exclusively available within the Danube Delta area.
Pensiunea Califar

Pensiunea Califar * * *

Address: Dunăvăţu de Jos, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 741 706163

Fax: +40 340 814146

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Pensiunea Andra * *

Address: Sat Caraoman
  Crişan, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 547264

Mobile: +40 744 491780;+40 744 683166

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Hotel Pd 1625 *

Address: Delta Dunarii
  Maliuc, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 744 624106

Fax: +40 240 511948

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Pensiunea Teodoru * *

Address: Loc. Murighiol
  Murighiol, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 545912

Mobile: +40 742 223657

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Vila Sandra * * * *

Address: Sat Vacanta Rosu
  Sulina, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 747 057552

Pensiunea Egreta

Pensiunea Egreta *

Address: Str. Pacii , Nr. 93
  Sfântu Gheorghe, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 506138

Mobile: +40 745 128709

Fax: +40 240 506139

Pensiunea Aqua Villa

Pensiunea Aqua Villa * * * *

Address: Bratul Sulina, Mila 26
  Maliuc, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 21 4402024

Mobile: +40 723 534838

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Pensiunea Sunrise - E * * * *

Address: Complex Turistic Sunrise
  Crişan, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 514423



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