Hospitality offers in Alba county

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Pensiunea Larix

Pensiunea Larix * *

Address: Sat Subpiatra
  Salciua, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 769 685622;+40 749 069514

Fax: +40 258 788785

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Pensiunea Bela * *

Address: Nr. 176
  Rimetea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 727 186203

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Hotel Tulnic * *

Address: Str. Revolutiei 1848 Nr. 1
  Câmpeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 771173;+40 258 771695

Fax: +40 258 771173

Hotel Tulnic is located in the center of Campeni town, the capital of Moti and can be reached on the route DN 75 Cluj - Turda - Camen or Alba-Iulia - Abrud - Campeni or highway route 75A DN Deva - Brad - Campeni.
Pensiunea Rustica

Pensiunea Rustica * *

Address: Str. Crisan Nr. 36
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 740 024710;+40 745 535079

Pensiunea Cabana Viselor

Pensiunea Cabana Viselor * *

Address: Str. Principala, Nr. 15A
  Vadu Moţilor, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 785120

Motel Dacia

Motel Dacia * *

Address: Drumul Sibiului Nr. 42
  Sebeș, 515800, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 732743

Dacia Motel is located at the entrance in Sebes from Sibiu, in Alba county.
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Pensiunea Ulpia Traiana * * *

Address: Sat Galbena Nr. 371
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 779110

Mobile: +40 731 033959

The Pension Ulpia Traiana offers accomodation in Arieseni, from Apuseni Mountains, in a wonderful natural scenery, on Ariesului Valley.
Pensiunea Codruta

Pensiunea Codruta * *

Address: Sat Izvoarele, Nr. 23
  Gârda de Sus, 517321, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778017

Mobile: +40 745 375545

Pensiunea Izvorul Ariesului

Pensiunea Izvorul Ariesului * *

Address: Nr. 459A
  Izlaz, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 336808;+40 258 779033;+40 258 779000

Mobile: +40 745 238682;+40 744 572611

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Pensiunea Danciu * * *

Address: Str. Centru Nr. 51
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778006

Fax: +40 258 778006



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