Hospitality offers in Alba county

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Pensiunea Nicola * *

Address: Str. Valea Arazii, Nr. 5
  Horea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 767056

Cabana Casa David

Cabana Casa David * * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 160
  Cib, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 850145

Mobile: +40 732 667466

Pensiunea Casa Cu Dor

Pensiunea Casa Cu Dor * * * * *

Address: Str. Principala, FN
  Ampoiţa, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 788 516731;+40 745 363410

The "Casa cu dor" pension has 8 double rooms with private bathrooms, having modern facilities, minibar, television.
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Hotel Tulnic * *

Address: Str. Revolutiei 1848 Nr. 1
  Câmpeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 771173;+40 258 771695

Fax: +40 258 771173

Hotel Tulnic is located in the center of Campeni town, the capital of Moti and can be reached on the route DN 75 Cluj - Turda - Camen or Alba-Iulia - Abrud - Campeni or highway route 75A DN Deva - Brad - Campeni.
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Pensiunea Melinda * *

Address: Str.Ion Creanga Nr.137
  Aiud, 515200, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 864676

Mobile: +40 740 862873;+40 740 486785

The Melinda Pension has 14 beds in seven rooms. The facilities offered by it are two bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, central heating, green space for barbecue or children's playground and parking.
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Cabana Balele * * *

Address: Şugag, Alba county, Romania

Pensiunea Tulnicu

Pensiunea Tulnicu * *

Address: Str. Izvoarele, Nr. 22
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778020

The Flowers, the hospitality and call in Tulnic waiting to "POPASUL TULNICU" from Grada de sus.
Pensiunea Ioana

Pensiunea Ioana * *

Address: Nr. 468
  Izlaz, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 779097

Mobile: +40 740 581257

Pensiunea Casa Anda

Pensiunea Casa Anda * * * *

Address: Str. Popestii de Jos Nr. 360
  Vadu Moţilor, 517795, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 785053

The Casa Anda pension offers a 12-seat-accomodation in six rooms, all having double beds, private bathrooms, hair dryer, minibar, TV and TV-cable. The pension facilities offered by the restaurant, having a capacity of 52 seats with sections for smokers and nonsmokers, 20-seats bar, gym, pool, spa, solarium and indoor swimming pool.
Pensiunea Ghetar Scarisoara

Pensiunea Ghetar Scarisoara * *

Address: Sat. Ghetar Nr. 242
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 528363;+40 744 902621

A traditional farm from Tara Motilor which was built by the Moti people. It is situated at 700m by Ice Cava from Scarisoara on an altitude of 1150 m.


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