Hotels from Rezervaţia Naturală Huda lui Papară

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Pensiunea Borbely Elisabeta *

Address: Nr. 67
  Rimetea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 768345

Pensiunea Bitai Magda

Pensiunea Bitai Magda * *

Address: Str. Principala nr1.
  Rimetea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 768335;+40 258 862791

Mobile: +40 726 379008;+40 722 899755

In 1999 we decided to buy a little house in Torockó, to have a place to relax on weekends. Back then it was a small, forgotten house, it even had a stall.
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Pensiunea Vernes Sara * *

Address: Nr. 90
  Rimetea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 768004

Pensiunea Kiraly Maria

Pensiunea Kiraly Maria *

Address: Nr. 277
  Rimetea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 768087

Mobile: +40 730 489892

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Pensiunea Kelemen Irina * *

Address: Nr.233
  Rimetea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 768089



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