Hotels from Rezervaţia biosferei Retezat

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Pensiunea Codrin

Pensiunea Codrin * *

Address: Carnic, Hunedoara county, Romania

Mobile: +40 721 411309;+40 723 215301;+40 742 793620

Pensiunea Dumbravita

Pensiunea Dumbravita * *

Address: Sat Rau de Mori
  Râu de Mori, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 776580;+40 374 001033

Mobile: +40 746 815278;+40 722 824132

Pensiunea La Razvan

Pensiunea La Razvan * *

Address: Zona Agrement Parang, Parcela B14
  Petroșani, Hunedoara county, Romania

Mobile: +40 723 004650

Hotel Petrosani

Hotel Petrosani * *

Address: Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, Nr. 110
  Petroșani, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 542801;+40 254 545383

Fax: +40 254 545383

Set within 1 km away from Petrosani's train station, this modern hotel offers free Wi-Fi access, a gym and a garden with children's playground. Retezat National Park is 15 km away.
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Pensiunea Alex * *

Address: Nr. 16
  Râu de Mori, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 776139

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Pensiunea Raul Mare Retezat * * *

Address: Clopotiva, Hunedoara county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 512005

Fax: +40 254 235598

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Pensiunea Maceira *

Address: Zona Straja
  Lupeni, Hunedoara county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 151478

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Cabana Popasul Haiducilor * *

Address: Str. Maleia
  Petroșani, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 547484

Pensiunea Ancuta

Pensiunea Ancuta * *

Address: Râu de Mori, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 256 438713

Mobile: +40 722 224245

Cabana Bujorul Muntelui

Cabana Bujorul Muntelui * * *

Address: Masivul Parang, Zona Rusu
  Petroșani, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 549060;+40 372 706090

Mobile: +40 723 636381;+40 767 322685

Fax: +40 254 549060



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