Hotels from Parcul Natural Apuseni

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Pensiunea Purcel Ioan *

Address: Nr. 53
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777088

Pensiunea Cristina

Pensiunea Cristina * *

Address: Str. Fata Nr. 1
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777089

Mobile: +40 745 426612

A beautiful pension with large and bright rooms. It is located near a river and is surrounded on three sides by high hills covered by trees.
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Pensiunea Rom Concord * *

Address: Str. Sat Balcesti, nr. 64
  Beliş, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 334192

Mobile: +40 740 836818

The Rom Concord Pension is situated in Apuseni Mountains, in Balcesti, village which is part of Belis from Cluj county (about 80 km from the Cluj-Napoca airport, 28 km away from Huedin).
Pensiunea Alex

Pensiunea Alex * * *

Address: Sat Rachitele, I.Ponor
  Răchițele, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 353144

Mobile: +40 758 271066; +40 728 095872

Situated in the Natural Park Apuseni, the Alex Pension has 10 rooms and 2 apartments with an accomodation capacity of 30 seats.
Pensiunea Apuseni

Pensiunea Apuseni * * *

Address: Pietroasa, Bihor county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 961297;+40 788 733980;+40 767 492883

Apuseni Hostel is situated in the village of Boga, Pietroasa 30 km from Beiuş, on the road leading to the plateau Padiş.
Pensiunea Anett

Pensiunea Anett * * *

Address: Pietroasa, Bihor county, Romania

Mobile: +40 788 899945;+40 747 988088

Complex turistic Vank

Complex turistic Vank * *

Address: Str. Centru Nr. 29A
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 779075

Mobile: +40 788 669018;+40 744 572605.

Vank Villa is situated in the small village of Arieseni, at the border between Alba and Bihor districts. The 75th National Road is the main acces way to our resort, located at some 130 km away from the town of Alba-Iulia, 110 km from Oradea and also 130 km from Cluj Napoca.
Pensiunea Juliana

Pensiunea Juliana * * *

Address: Sat Fata Lapusului
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 613520

Mobile: +40 744 870534;+40 723 382890

The pension is situated in the middle of the Apuseni Mountains, at an altitude of 1200 m, on the national road DN 75, on the 40+600 km, road that makes the connection between Câmpeni and Stei.
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Pensiunea Dor De Munte *

Address: Nr. 193
  Scărișoara, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 746 124676

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Pensiunea Petrea * *

Address: Str. Closca Nr. 41
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777127



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