Hotels from Parcul Natural Apuseni

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Pensiunea Captiu Eugenia *

Address: Nr. 15
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777087

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Pensiunea Costy * *

Address: Nr. 64
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 788 203338

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Pensiunea La Topivan * * *

Address: Str. Rogoz, Nr. 1A
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

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Pensiunea Ada 2 * *

Address: Sat Bumbesti Nr. 88B
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 124726

The Ada 2 Cottage is situated 150 m away from the ski slope from Vartop and it has 5 rooms (3 double and 2 triple), 4 common bathrooms, living room, kitchen, hall.
Pensiunea Apuseni

Pensiunea Apuseni * * *

Address: Pietroasa, Bihor county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 961297;+40 788 733980;+40 767 492883

Apuseni Hostel is situated in the village of Boga, Pietroasa 30 km from Beiuş, on the road leading to the plateau Padiş.
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Pensiunea Lazea * *

Address: Str. Centru Nr. 33
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778009

Mobile: +40 745 626331

Pensiunea Ady

Pensiunea Ady * *

Address: Str. Fata Nr. 13
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 743 223562

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Pensiunea Dig * * *

Address: Com. Garda Nr. 95
  Gârda de Sus, 517310, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778127

Mobile: +40 722 126707;+40 788 665721

Fax: +40 258 778127

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Pensiunea Livia * * *

Address: Nr. 5
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778006

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Pensiunea Ioana * *

Address: Nr. 333
  Răchițele, Cluj county, Romania



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