Hospitality offers in Maramureş county

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Pensiunea Aurica

Pensiunea Aurica * * *

Address: Str. Tiblesului Nr. 54
  Târgu Lăpuş, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 385082

Mobile: +40 745 233796

Hotel Coroana

Hotel Coroana * *

Address: Piata Libertatii, Nr. 21
  Sighetu Marmației, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 311610

Fax: +40 262 315484

Coroana Hotel is available with 130 beds, modern rooms with 2 and 3 beds apartments, private bathroom with shower, central heating, color TV, cable TV, telephone
Pensiunea Ioana

Pensiunea Ioana * *

Address: Str. Rodnei Nr. 1A
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Mobile: +40 746 121924

The Ioana Pension, is situated on a distance of 800 m away from DN 18c, in a quiet area, offering view to the Pietrosul top (the highest top from Rodnei Mountains).
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Pensiunea Pastravul * * *

Address: Str. Firiza Nr. 190
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 270077

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Pensiunea Tomsa Ioan * * *

Address: Nr. 307
  Botiza, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 334268

Pensiunea Stancuta

Pensiunea Stancuta * *

Address: Str. Alexandru Ioan Cuza Nr. 56
  Vișeu de Sus, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 355521

Mobile: +40 745 096481

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Pensiunea Sanda * *

Address: Str. Moldova, Nr. 1
  Vișeu de Sus, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 352032

Pensiunea Denisa

Pensiunea Denisa * *

Address: Nr. 426
  Văleni, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 373487;+40 262 318767

Mobile: +40 745 660671

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Pensiunea Any * *

Address: Nr. 839
  Săpânța, Maramureş county, Romania

Pensiunea Manolo

Pensiunea Manolo * * *

Address: Str. Eminescu Nr. 405
  Ocna Șugatag, Maramureş county, Romania

Mobile: +40 749 383525

Fax: +40 262 374278



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