Hospitality offers in Harghita county

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Pensiunea Erika

Pensiunea Erika * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 1038.
  Praid, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 240000;+40 265 313712

Mobile: +40 722 661619

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Casa Scoala Padurii * *

Address: Nr. 216-217
  Potiond, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 312479

Mobile: +40 753 200701

Fax: +40 266 311304

Cabana Borzont

Cabana Borzont * * *

Address: Borzont, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 365554

Pensiunea So-Haj

Pensiunea So-Haj * * *

Address: Str. Sar Nr. 25/C
  Praid, 537240, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 752 110848;+40 744 764276

Pensiunea Feszek

Pensiunea Feszek * *

Address: Str. Boros
  Izvoru Mureșului, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 336941

Fax: +40 266 472619

Pensiunea Viorica

Pensiunea Viorica * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 633
  Izvoru Mureșului, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 213 246710

Mobile: +40 721 207864;+40 728 117987

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Pensiunea Balog Ferenc * *

Address: Str. Koves Nr. 61
  Racu, Harghita county, Romania

Pensiunea Julia Vendeghaz

Pensiunea Julia Vendeghaz * * *

Address: Str. Ghimesului Nr. 16
  Frumoasa, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 609327

Hotel Tusnad

Hotel Tusnad * *

Address: Aleea Sfanta Ana Nr. 18
  Băile Tuşnad, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 335558;+40 266 335292;+40 266 335203

Mobile: +40 748 113245

The tourist complex is situated in Baile Tusnad Tusnad resort located in the southern part of Ciuc Depression, at an altitude of 650 m, between the Harghita Mountains and Bodoc.
Pensiunea Balazs

Pensiunea Balazs * * *

Address: Str. Principala nr. 667
  Corund, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 249324

Mobile: +40 744 258851



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