Hospitality offers in Harghita county

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Pensiunea Szello * *

Address: NR. 42
  Șoimeni, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 973776

Fax: +40 266 333760

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Pensiunea Alszegi Nagyhaz * *

Address: Sat Racu
  Racu, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 379114

Mobile: +40 745 120649

Pensiunea Aniko

Pensiunea Aniko * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 56
  Lupeni, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 248210

Hotel Prince

Hotel Prince * *

Address: Str. Harghita, nr.74
  Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 371583

Fax: +40 266 371583

Sice 1996 the Prince Hotel** is waiting it's guests in Miercurea Ciuc. Located in the western area of the city, near to the road from Odorheiu-Secuiesc, less then 10 minutes walktime to the towncenter. The hotel has 8 double beded rooms, 9 single, and 2 luxurious apartements.
Cabana Uz Bence

Cabana Uz Bence * *

Address: Str. Băile Harghita Nr. 15
  Harghita-Băi, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 371327

Mobile: +40 745 629337

Fax: +40 266 371327

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Pensiunea Bistricioara *

Address: Nr. 288
  Corbu, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 337009

Pensiunea Bianca

Pensiunea Bianca * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 337
  Izvoru Mureșului, 537356, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 336971;+40 266 371027

Mobile: +40 744 312700;+40 740 055914;+40 733 319479;+40 744 592662

Fax: +40 266 336971;+40 266 371027

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Pensiunea Sandor * *

Address: Nr. 869
  Lueta, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 724 632636

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Pensiunea Fenyves * *

Address: Harghita-Băi, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 210269

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Pensiunea Kitti * *

Address: Str. Libertatii Nr. 5
  Cristuru Secuiesc, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 740 485424



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