Hospitality offers in Dâmbovita county

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Pensiunea Parc

Pensiunea Parc * * *

Address: Str. Ana Ipatescu Nr. 6
  Pucioasa, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 723 385616;+40 723 385617;+40 728 983458

Fax: +40 245 761633

Pensiunea Bolovani

Pensiunea Bolovani * * *

Address: Răcari, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 241411

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Pensiunea Popas Vlasia * *

Address: D.N. 7
  Tărtăşeşti, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 261224

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Vila Panseluta Nr. 11 *

Address: Str. C. Olanescu Nr. 10
  Pucioasa, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 232250

Fax: +40 245 760874

Pensiunea Paltinu

Pensiunea Paltinu * *

Address: Calea Campulung Nr. 88
  Târgovişte, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 417167

Mobile: +40 723 266774;+40 766 317169;+40 766 618980

Fax: +40 345 814098

Pensiunea Satul Prunilor

Pensiunea Satul Prunilor * * *

Address: Dealu Frumos, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 205400

Mobile: +40 372 715777

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Pensiunea Naparis * * *

Address: Com. Moroieni
  Pucheni, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 722 705102

Hotel Complex Turistic Zanoaga

Hotel Complex Turistic Zanoaga * *

Address: Moroieni, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 730 579165

Mobile: +40 755 030965

Zanoaga Tourist Complex has 87 beds and a restaurant, bar and kitchen.
Pensiunea Casa Lucia

Pensiunea Casa Lucia * * * *

Address: Str. Rusetu Nr. 1
  Moroeni, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 772423

Mobile: +40 723 514925;+40 722 237027

Fax: +40 245 772423

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Pensiunea Pinul * *

Address: Str. Lespezi Nr.120-120A
  Moroeni, Dâmbovita county, Romania

Phone: +40 245 772638



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