Hotels from Rezervaţia biosferei Delta Dunării

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Hotel Select

Hotel Select * * *

Address: Piaţa Civică, Nr. 1
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 506180;+40 240 506181;+40 240 506182

Mobile: +40 374 003520

Fax: +40 240 506183

This hotel is in the center of Tulcea and just 650 ft from the shores of the Danube.
Pensiunea Cristiana

Pensiunea Cristiana * * *

Address: Delta Dunarii
  Murighiol, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 694566

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Pensiunea Karla * *

Address: Crişan, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 746 034558

Hotel Salcia

Hotel Salcia * *

Address: Maliuc, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546539

Mobile: +40 723 841079;+40 788 362720

Salcia Hotel is located about 25 Km west of Tulcea.
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Hotel Atlantis * * *

Address: Str. Spitalului, Nr. 32
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 531876

Fax: +40 240 531876

Out hotel is located at a short distance from the city center.
Pensiunea Holbina

Pensiunea Holbina * * * *

Address: Zona Holbina
  Murighiol, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 748 200090;+40 746 200201

Fax: +40 240 519509

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Pensiunea Big Fish * * * * *

Address: Sat Mila 23
  Crişan, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546322

Mobile: +40 768 130505

Fax: +40 240 546322

Pensiunea Puiu

Pensiunea Puiu * *

Address: Sat Dunuvatu de Jos
  Dunăvăţu de Jos, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 630225;+40 742 043234;+40 722 599295

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Hotel Casa Albastra * *

Address: Str. Portului-Lac Ciuperca
  Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 535662

Fax: +40 240 537506

The hotel has 44 beds in double rooms. Features: bathroom cold water and hot water modern furniture restaunrant bar nightclub parking conference room shower tv
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Pensiunea Delta Club * * * *

Address: Maliuc, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 766 560101



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