Hotels from Sinaia

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Pensiunea Casa Noastra

Pensiunea Casa Noastra * *

Address: Str. Republicii Nr.9
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 314556

Sinaia, the most popular and ellegant balneo-climateric resort from Romania, is situated on a distance of 120 km away from Bucharest.
Cabana Cuibul Dorului

Cabana Cuibul Dorului * *

Address: Cota 1160 Platoul Bucegi
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311411

The Cuibul Dorului Cottage is situated 1120 m altitude, on DN71 Sinaia-Targoviste, being situated about 7 km away from Sinaia.
Hotel Roberto

Hotel Roberto * * *

Address: Str. M. Kogalniceanu Nr. 39
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 314946

Fax: +40 244 314946

The hotel is situated on an altitude of 800 m, on a distance of 10 minutes from the center of the city and the lift, in a mountain area from where one can admire the Southern side of the Sinaia resort.
Pensiunea Iulia

Pensiunea Iulia * * *

Address: Str. M. Eminescu Nr. 9
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 740 163100

The Iulia Pension is situated in the resort Sinaia, very close to the lift, in a quiet area.
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Pensiunea La Cristina * *

Address: Str. Republicii, Nr. 6
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 312122

Mobile: +40 745 385772;+40 744 383878

Fax: +40 244 312122

The pension is situated in the ultra-central area of the Sinaia resort, right next to the International Hotel, on the main road.
Vila Floare De Colt

Vila Floare De Colt *

Address: Aleea Pelesului Nr.2
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 311151

Fax: +40 244 311150

Situated in a natural scenery, very close to the Peles Castle, the pension Floare de Colt offers a unique panorama on the Bucegi Mountains and the Baiului Mountains.
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Pensiunea Dan Lavi *

Address: Bd. Ferdinand Nr. 108
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 312750

Particular house from the tourist chain having the lowest prices from Prahova Valley, with 6 rooms and 2 rooms with bathroom and 9 rooms with access to the common bathroom.
Pensiunea Doi Ursuleti

Pensiunea Doi Ursuleti * * *

Address: Bd. Ferdinand Nr. 21B
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 310456

Mobile: +40 722 648407;+40 722 379849;+40 748 230407

Fax: +40 244 310456

The Pension is situated on the main road that goes through the resort, 200 m away from the entrance to the Peles Castle and 400 m away from the casino.
Cabana Schiorilor

Cabana Schiorilor * * *

Address: Str. Drumul Cotei 1400 Nr.7
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Phone: +40 244 313655

The Schiori cottage offers an accomodation offer of 33 seats, having 3 suites, 4 double rooms and 4 duplexes.
Pensiunea Andree

Pensiunea Andree * * *

Address: Str. Furnica Nr. 57A
  Sinaia, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 724 280781

The Andre Pension, situated in the center of the resort Sinaia, offers a grandious mountain lanscape.


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