Hospitality offers in Harghita county

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Pensiunea Bagolyvar

Pensiunea Bagolyvar * * *

Address: Str. Valea Garbea Nr. 873
  Lunca de Sus, 537155, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 339233

Mobile: +40 729 531721

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Pensiunea Marton Eszter *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 522
  Lupeni, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 248126

Pensiunea Mandala

Pensiunea Mandala * *

Address: Str. Harghita Bai
  Miercurea Ciuc, 530002, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 324292

Mobile: +40 740 885242

Fax: +40 266 324292

Vila Speranta

Vila Speranta * * *

Address: Str. Oltului Nr. 55
  Băile Tuşnad, 535100 , Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 335402;+40 266 335402

Mobile: +40 722 634680;+40 726 680831;+40 744 592477

Pensiunea Stefania

Pensiunea Stefania * * *

Address: Str. Görgényalja Nr. 904
  Praid, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 240319

Mobile: +40 744 306439

Pensiunea Napraforgo

Pensiunea Napraforgo * * *

Address: Str. Minei Nr.55/A
  Praid, 537240, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 439523

Pensiunea Pokat

Pensiunea Pokat * *

Address: D.N. 138/A
  Siculeni, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 312583

Mobile: +40 752 131010

Fax: +40 266 312583

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Pensiunea Nagy Lak I, Ii * *

Address: Lacul de acumulare Baraj Zetea
  Zetea (subcetate), Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 212115

Mobile: +40 744 615452

Fax: +40 266 619492

The chalet hasn't got permanent staff and therefore it offers you the unique opportunity that neither the host, nor a foreign tourist group can disturb you and your family's peace. Our Chalet is built on a separate plot. As standard equipment it has a kitchen (with cooking/baking facilities!), hot- and cold water showers, toilets, dining- and living-room and bedrooms.
Pensiunea Liliom

Pensiunea Liliom * *

Address: Nr. 130
  Ciceu, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 747 218355

Cabana Laczkó Kuckó

Cabana Laczkó Kuckó * *

Address: Gheorgheni în direcţia Lacu Roşu (DN 12C), km.5-6
  Gheorgheni, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: 0040 741 365 804

If you want to spend some pretious time with your family / friends,we are expecting You in the heart of Transylvania, at only 5 km from the centre of Gheorgheni(Harghita county) in the Laczkó Kuckó guesthouse.


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