Hospitality offers in Harghita county

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Pensiunea Sohaztur

Pensiunea Sohaztur * *

Address: Str. Salina Nr. 96/B
  Praid, 537240, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 240590

Mobile: +40 740 204358

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Pensiunea Lacul Rosu * *

Address: Gheorgheni, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 338214

Pensiunea Csatari

Pensiunea Csatari * *

Address: Str. Tanorok Nr. 1145
  Praid, 537240, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 240474

Mobile: +40 744 641887;+40 722 554566

Fax: +40 266 210906

Pensiunea Harghita

Pensiunea Harghita * * *

Address: Str. Petofi Sandor Nr. 3
  Vlăhița, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 246335

Mobile: +40 745 828659

Fax: +40 266 246335

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Pensiunea Gizi * *

Address: Sat Sub Cetate, nr. 46
  Zetea, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 746 082770

Pensiunea Baknya

Pensiunea Baknya * * *

Address: Bulgăreni, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 210269

Mobile: +40 744 607803;+40 743 716361

Fax: +40 266 210269

Pensiunea Forras

Pensiunea Forras * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 2/B
  Corund, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 381672

Fax: +40 266 249270

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Vila Riki * * *

Address: Str. Jokai Mor nr. 19
  Borsec, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 337602

Pensiunea Randevu

Pensiunea Randevu * *

Address: Str. Grâului, nr. 1
  Miercurea Ciuc, 530154 , Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 372067

Fax: +40 266 310472

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Pensiunea Zsogod * *

Address: Str. Campul Mic Nr. 9
  Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 314077



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