Hospitality offers in Iași

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Hotel Ramada

Hotel Ramada * * *

Address: Str. G. Ureche Nr. 27
  Iași, 010082 , Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 256070

Fax: +40 232 256070

The Ramada City Center Iasi can be found in a quiet location in the heart of the city. It is only 15 minutes from the airport and 7 minutes from main train station.
Pensiunea Cardinale

Pensiunea Cardinale * * * *

Address: Str. Constantin Erbiceanu Nr. 3 zona Bucium
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 244401;+40 232 244402

The Cardinale Resort Iasi Pension offers the tourists 13 accomodation places, with an elegant restaurant, with a varied offer, for people with rafined tastes.
Motel Bucium

Motel Bucium * * *

Address: Sos.Iasi-Vaslui Km. 12
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 140712

Priviliged by the location that offers a panoramical view to Iasi, only 12 km away on the way Iasi-Vaslui, Motel Bucium*** is the best choice if you want to escape for at least few days, from the aglomeration of the city.
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Pensiunea New House * *

Address: Str. Vasile Lungu, nr. 51
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

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Pensiunea Tb * *

Address: Sos. Bucium, Nr. 5
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

The Pension has 12 rooms and 24 places.
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Hostel Grig *

Address: Str. Mitropolit Varlam Nr. 12, Bl. C2
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Mobile: +40 748 454 831

Pensiunea Ambiance City

Pensiunea Ambiance City * * *

Address: Str. Sulfinei Nr 13
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 210710

Mobile: +40 744 669969;+40 746 669969

Fax: +40 232 210710

Hostel Studis

Hostel Studis * * *

Address: Str. Otilia Cazimir, Nr. 10
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 332 107152;+40 232 260310

Fax: +40 332 107152

Studis offers, in a brand new building, 172 places in suites or apartments, with 2 rooms for 2 persons each, that have kitchen, hall and 2 bathrooms.
Pensiunea First Class

Pensiunea First Class * * *

Address: Str. Redului, Nr 103
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 583738

The Pension First Class is situated on the entrance in Onesti, from Adjud.
Pensiunea Villa Verde

Pensiunea Villa Verde * * * *

Address: Sos. Arcu, Nr. 76/1
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 232062

Mobile: +40 731 319801

The Pension Villa Verde is situated in the Billa area, 5-10 minutes away of walking from the trai station, the Copou area and 5 minutes from the center, by car.


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