Hotels from Castelul Purgly din Şofronea

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Pensiunea Sep

Pensiunea Sep * * *

Address: Str. Stefan Tenetchi, Nr.37
  Arad, 310502., Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 257 289789

Mobile: +40 740 830819

The Sep Hotel is situated on the highway from the Gai quarter, to Nadlac, 700 m away from the Racecourse, the Auto markend and Expo Arad, as well as 100 m away from Careffour.
Pensiunea Bella

Pensiunea Bella * *

Address: Str.Radnei, Nr.201, DN 7 (E68)
  Arad, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +4-0257-259697

Mobile: +4-0722-275550; +4-0746-268443

Fax: +4-0746-268443

The Bella Pension si very easy to be found, on the DN7 (E68), on the main road on the entrance from Bucharest- Deva, 200 m away from the entrance in the city, on the Radna Way, no. 201.
Hotel Maxim

Hotel Maxim * * *

Address: Str. Calea Radnei, Nr. 122
  Arad, 310318, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 257 219288;+40 257 259319

Mobile: +40 722 459389

Fax: +40 257 259319

Built in 2006 and conveniently located on the most circulated route NADLAC - ARAD - BUCHAREST, nearby the city centre, MAXIM HOTEL offers high standard quality services.
Pensiunea Monica

Pensiunea Monica * * * *

Address: Str. Voievod Moga, Nr 10
  Arad, 310191, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 357 424840

Mobile: +40 722 238837

Fax: +40 357 424840

The Monica Pension, is a 4 stars pension, recently built, situated in Arad, Gradiste quarter, 5 minutes away from the center, easy reachable from Oradea and Deva as well.
Hotel Riga

Hotel Riga * *

Address: Calea Timisorii, Nr. 201-203
  Arad, 310229, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 357 435921

Fax: +40 357 438931

The Riga Hotel is localized right on the entrance in Arad, in a quiet area, on the main road that connects Arad to Timisoara.
Pensiunea Adriana

Pensiunea Adriana * *

Address: Str. Fratii Neumann vila 7
  Arad, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 357 410405

Mobile: +40 745 659223;+40 729 159223

Fax: +40 357 410405

The Pension is situated in the Central area of Arad- the U T A stadium - close to the Vasile Goldis University- on the European Highway Arad- Nadlac, from the CFR train station, near the Commercial Center Galleria.
Hotel Marem

Hotel Marem * * *

Address: Str.Calea Victoriei , Nr. 2C
  Arad, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 257 256110

Fax: +40 257 256010

The Marem Hotel, situated only 5 minutes away from the center of the city, in a wonderful apartment, having the comfort and luxury of a 3-stars hotel.
Pensiunea Olimp 2000

Pensiunea Olimp 2000 * * *

Address: Str. Vrancei nr. 36B
  Arad, 310315, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 257 279443

Mobile: +40 751 161018

Fax: +40 257 279443

Situated close to the city, but still far from the noisy traffic, the pension is situated in a quiet oasis from Arad, being the ideal place for relaxing.
Hotel Gio

Hotel Gio * * *

Address: Str. Piata Veche, Nr 3
  Arad, Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 357 800948

Fax: +40 357 800948

The Hotel Gio was opened in 2007. It is a modern building, on 4 levels, with european standard facilities, including a new elevator, safe and quiet.
Pensiunea Bradul

Pensiunea Bradul * * *

Address: Str. Valea Frunzisului, Nr. 640
  Arad, 317230 , Arad county, Romania

Phone: +40 257 388367

Mobile: +40 745 605.017

Fax: +40 257 388367

The Cabana Bradul Pension is a new accomodation unity, modern arragend, situated in Paulis, 25 km away from Arad to Deva and 5 km away from Lipova, on the foothill of the Zarandului Mountains, over the hill from Caledona Valley, in a wonderful tourist area.


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