Hotels from Băile Felix

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Pensiunea Ionut

Pensiunea Ionut * * *

Address: Sanmartin Nr. 105/9
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 319888

Mobile: +40 744 703843

Pensiunea Beverly Hills

Pensiunea Beverly Hills * * *

Address: Nr. 106
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 359 458562

Mobile: +40 749 038010

The Beverly Hills Guest House is equipped with high standards and offers all the services you need. It was opened in 2007.
Hotel Nicoleta

Hotel Nicoleta * * *

Address: Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 318265

Mobile: +40 742 053000

Nicoleta hotel restaurant, a 3-star hotel is located in a very quiet place with lots of greenery and offers guests the best service and the highest standards.
Pensiunea Diana

Pensiunea Diana * * *

Address: Nr. 67/G
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 318517;+40 359 459971

Mobile: +40 740 846018;+40 770 440109

The area Baile Felix - 1 Mai is one of the most popular areas of rural tourism in Romania, which from year to year witnessed a strong development and possibilities of accommodation, recreation and entertainment are developing more and more. In the middle of this oasis of greenery and serenity, found Hostel Diana.
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Vila Pavilion 2 *

Address: Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 318463

Pensiunea Raluca

Pensiunea Raluca * *

Address: Nr. 60
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 359 431566

Mobile: +40 744 286200

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Pensiunea Dorina * *

Address: Nr. 67/F
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 318156

Hotel President

Hotel President * * * *

Address: E79 Oradea-Deva la km. 10
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 318381;+40 259 318085

Fax: +40 259 318581

With an over 10 years experience, President Hotel offers 92 rooms, of which 6 are suites. 56 rooms and 4 suites are located in the new modern and elegant wing of the complex, which was completed in June 2011.
Hotel Termal

Hotel Termal * * *

Address: Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Phone: +40 259 318214;+40 259 318215

Fax: +40 259 318478

Located at the edge of the forest, 200m from the city center, 10km from the railway station and 15km from the Airport Oradea.
Pensiunea Casa Ardelean

Pensiunea Casa Ardelean * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 8
  Băile Felix, Bihor county, Romania

Mobile: +40 751 246826



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