Băile Tuşnad Spa



Also named “Perla Ardealului”, Tusnad is one of the most beautiful balneal settlements in our country.

In year 1969 the resort was declared tourist town, but its activity started from the 19th century.

The resort is situated in a very picturesque area in Southern Ciuc Depression, on an altitude of 650 m, between Harghita and Bodoc.

The mineral waters from here have farmacodinamic effects on the organism and are used in therapy, there are many categories of water.

For the treatment of the patients  there also used natural emanations of dry carbon dioxide. They have to do with the volcanic from Carpatii Rasariteni mountains and are exploited in the balneal cure. From the entire world, this method is used only in our country.

Baile Tusnad offer many opportunities to relax, being an ideal place for a holiday in any season.

In the resort there was rearranged the Ciucas lake, there are roads for tripping, with excursions on the famous Piatra Soimilor, and there are also trips by foot or by a bus to Sf Ana lake.

You can also visit the following tourist attractions in the area:

-         Tinovul Mohos, situated near Sf Ana lake, declared natural reservation, that shelters rare plant species.

-         Miko Citadel and the ethnographic museum situated in Miercurea Ciuc, on a distance of 30 km of Baile Tusnad ;

-         The Franciscan church from Sumuleu, built in barock style that has one of the biggest organ installation from Ardeal.


Photo galery

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