Hotels from Rezervaţia forestieră Pădurea Pietrosu

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Hotel Europa

Hotel Europa * * * *

Address: Str. Anastasie Panu, Nr. 26
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 242000

Fax: +40 232 242001

Situated in a perfect area for business, the Europa Hotel offers the necesary discretion for business meetings, as well as the necessary facilities for these meetings, on the highest standards.
Pensiunea La Strada

Pensiunea La Strada * * * *

Address: Str Bucium, Nr 89C
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 213653

Mobile: +40 745 542542

Fax: +40 232 257432

Situated on the Bucium hill, with the most beautiful views around Iasi, the Pension La Strada is the ideal place where you can spend your free time or the work activities.
Pensiunea Ambiance

Pensiunea Ambiance * * *

Address: Str Barnova Nr. 12
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 210159

Mobile: +40 744 668969;+40 744 669969

Situated in a beautiful and quiet area of Iasi, the Ambiance Pension offers the posibility of a relaxing staying, as well as an easy access to the main tourist attractions of the city.
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Pensiunea No Limits * * *

Address: Sos. Bucium, iesire spre Iasi-Vaslui
  Bârnova, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 294548

Mobile: +40 742 778003

Pensiunea Majestic

Pensiunea Majestic * * * *

Address: Str. Petru Rares, Nr. 7
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 230334;+40 232 255557

Majestic represents a brand and a starting point for hospitality and good taste. The ambient brings value to everyone who steps into the restaurant or the pension.
Hotel Ceramica

Hotel Ceramica * *

Address: Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu Nr. 103A
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 271427

Fax: +40 232 271427

The Ceramic Hotel offers accomodation in Iasi and it is situated in a very quiet central area, very close to the Tudor Vladimirescu Campus and very close to Iulius Mall.
Hotel Ciric

Hotel Ciric * * *

Address: Complex Ciric
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 219001

Situated 1.8 km away from the airport and 3 km away from the center of Iasi, the Ciric Hotel is good for business meetings, as well as for leisure.
Hotel Unirea

Hotel Unirea * * *

Address: Pta. Unirii Nr. 5
  Iași, 700056 , Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 240404

Fax: +40 232 212864

The Unirea Hotel is situated in the center of the city, very close to the most important tourist, cultural and religious attractions from Iasi.
Pensiunea Casa Boiereasca

Pensiunea Casa Boiereasca * * *

Address: Sos. Bucium, Nr. 164
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 232653

Mobile: +40 744 876271

Fax: +40 232 232653

The Pension Casa Boiereasca is situated in the residential area Bucium.
Hotel Dorobanti

Hotel Dorobanti * * *

Address: Str. Nicorita Nr. 26
  Iași, Iaşi county, Romania

Phone: +40 232 415415

Mobile: +40 755 415415

Situated a few hundred meters away from the financial center of the city and only few steps away from the biggest comercial center of Moldova, the Dorobanti Hotel wellcomes its guests offering the necesarry comfort by it position, as well as the elegance of the rooms.


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