Hotels from Rezervaţia Naturală Pădurea Troianu

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Hotel Parc

Hotel Parc * *

Address: Str. Libertatii Nr. 245-249
  Alexandria, Teleorman county, Romania

Phone: +40 247 312901;+40 247 312902;+40 247 312137

Fax: +40 247 312905

A two star hotel located in the center of Alexandria, Hotel PARC offers the tourists who cross its threshold the finest quality of accommodations and dining.
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Hotel Conti Mcg * *

Address: Str. Marasti, Nr. 10A
  Roșiori de Vede, Teleorman county, Romania

Phone: +40 247 466487

Mobile: +40 721 274052

Conti MCG Hotel is located in the city of Rosiori in the central part of the county Teleorman, 100 km from Bucharest.
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Motel Hanul Cu Noroc * *

Address: Şos. Alexandria-Roşiori de Vede Nr. 1
  Alexandria, Teleorman county, Romania

Phone: 0744406010

Our motel has 10 rooms fully equipped, and a booth.


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