Hotels from Rezervaţia biosferei Pietrosu Rodnei

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Pensiunea Ancuta

Pensiunea Ancuta * * *

Address: Str. Victoriei Nr. 68/A
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 343300

Mobile: +40 752 304733;+40 752 304744;+40 742 302467

Situated in Borsa, on the shore of the Viseu river, about 1.5 km away from the center of the town, the Ancuta Pension offers its clients an unforgetable place, a special scenery.
Hotel Paltinis

Hotel Paltinis * * *

Address: Complex turistic Borsa, Str Bradet Nr. 8B
  Borşa, 435200, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 344199

Fax: +40 262 343504

The Paltinis Hotel*** from Borsa Maramures is situated in a pitoresc area, about 800 m away from the ski slope, the hotel is one of the newest and most modern accomodation locations from the resort.
Picture unavailable

Hotel Iezer * *

Address: Str. Decebal, Nr. 2
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 343430;+40 262 342256

Mobile: +40 740 141156

Fax: +40 262 344044

Pensiunea Tudor

Pensiunea Tudor * * *

Address: Nr. 130
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 343255

Fax: +40 359 800231

The unity has 10 rooms, wtih 20 accomodation places.
Pensiunea Lido

Pensiunea Lido * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 410
  Moisei, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +4-0262-347622

Mobile: +4-0744-428575

Fax: +4-0262-347622

Lido Pension offers accommodation, bar, restaurant and beauty salon.
Pensiunea Calin

Pensiunea Calin * *

Address: Str. Bradet Nr. 9/B
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 344263

Mobile: +40 742 968689

Situated in the Tourist Complex Borsa, 1300 m away drom the National Highway DN 18, the Calin Pension is the best choice for spending a wonderful holiday.
Pensiunea Anca

Pensiunea Anca * *

Address: Str. Bradet Nr. 27
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 343787

Mobile: +40 745 215190

The pension is situated about 250 m away from the ski slope in the tourist complex. It has 5 rooms with their own bathroom.
Pensiunea Onu

Pensiunea Onu *

Address: Sat Fantana Nr. 24
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 342367

Mobile: +40 740 336946;+40 741 946387

The Onu Pension offers accomodation in Borsa, Maramures. Situated in the Tourist Complex Borsa, 500 m from the National Highway 18.
Pensiunea Cripenel

Pensiunea Cripenel * * *

Address: Str. Bradet Nr. 33C
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Mobile: +40 740 972414;+40 731 260299

The pension is situated in Borsa, a resort from Maramures, on an altitude of about 823 m, being surrounded by the Rodnei Mountains (with the Pietrosu top of 2303 m and the Puzdele top of 2188m), Tibau, Maramuresului (with Toroioaga top, of 1929, 9 m).
Pensiunea Vulcanescu

Pensiunea Vulcanescu * *

Address: Str. Preluca Tatarilor Nr. 71
  Borşa, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 342175

Mobile: +40 744 640961;+40 744 552107

Fax: +40 262 342175

The Vulcanescu Pension is situated on the Vulcanescu Valley, about 30 km away from the center of Borsa.


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