Hotels from Parcul Natural Apuseni

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Pensiunea Heidi

Pensiunea Heidi * *

Address: Str. Vartop
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: 0040 259-339590;

Mobile: 0040 744-511985; 0040 746-098640

Picture unavailable

Pensiunea Ungur * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 172
  Beliş, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 334066

Mobile: +40 733 404921;+40 744 939124

The Ungur Pension is situated in the center of Belis (near the school). The host offers accomodation in 7 double rooms (5 rooms with their own bathrooms) TV, cantral heating, fully equipped kitchen, living room and an apartment of 2 rooms with double bed, bathroom and kitchen.


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