Hotels from Parcul Natural Apuseni

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Pensiunea Cetina Belis

Pensiunea Cetina Belis * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 274
  Beliş, Cluj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 555670

The Cetina pension, situated in Belis, Cluj county, close to the Belis-Fantanele lake, on the foothill of Vladeasa Mountains, offers accomodation in 4 modern rooms with 2 beds for one person, TV, central heating, common bathrooms on 2 rooms, wide living room with fully equipped kitchen.
Pensiunea Juliana

Pensiunea Juliana * * *

Address: Sat Fata Lapusului
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 613520

Mobile: +40 744 870534;+40 723 382890

The pension is situated in the middle of the Apuseni Mountains, at an altitude of 1200 m, on the national road DN 75, on the 40+600 km, road that makes the connection between Câmpeni and Stei.
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Pensiunea Olaresti * *

Address: Sat Matisesti Nr. 338
  Horea, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 767093

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Pensiunea Tuta * *

Address: NR 34
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 745 252219

Pensiunea Cabanuta Ancuta

Pensiunea Cabanuta Ancuta * *

Address: Str. Crisan Nr. 61
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777010

Fax: +40 258 777204

Pensiunea Heidi

Pensiunea Heidi * *

Address: Str. Vartop
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: 0040 259-339590;

Mobile: 0040 744-511985; 0040 746-098640

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Pensiunea Lazea * *

Address: Str. Centru Nr. 33
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778009

Mobile: +40 745 626331

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Pensiunea Rom Concord * *

Address: Str. Sat Balcesti, nr. 64
  Beliş, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 334192

Mobile: +40 740 836818

The Rom Concord Pension is situated in Apuseni Mountains, in Balcesti, village which is part of Belis from Cluj county (about 80 km from the Cluj-Napoca airport, 28 km away from Huedin).
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Pensiunea La Topivan * * *

Address: Str. Rogoz, Nr. 1A
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

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Pensiunea Purcel Ioan *

Address: Nr. 53
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777088



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