Hotels from Parcul Naţional Apuseni

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Pensiunea Oarga Vasile

Pensiunea Oarga Vasile * *

Address: Str. Crisan Nr. 27
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777249

Mobile: +40 740 396196

Located in the center of the village Albac, the pension Oarga Vasile offers accommodation in 5 double rooms with three bathrooms, each room being equipped with TV. During the winter we organize trips, horse-drawn sleigh rides; The pension also has full equipped kitchen, parking area, children's playground, barbecue.
Pensiunea Cetina Belis

Pensiunea Cetina Belis * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 274
  Beliş, Cluj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 555670

The Cetina pension, situated in Belis, Cluj county, close to the Belis-Fantanele lake, on the foothill of Vladeasa Mountains, offers accomodation in 4 modern rooms with 2 beds for one person, TV, central heating, common bathrooms on 2 rooms, wide living room with fully equipped kitchen.
Pensiunea Ghetar Scarisoara

Pensiunea Ghetar Scarisoara * *

Address: Sat. Ghetar Nr. 242
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 528363;+40 744 902621

A traditional farm from Tara Motilor which was built by the Moti people. It is situated at 700m by Ice Cava from Scarisoara on an altitude of 1150 m.
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Pensiunea Montana * *

Address: Nr. 424
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 779090

Mobile: +40 788 623029

Coming from Vartop to Garda, about 3 km away from the ski slope, on the right side you find an indicator to Cabana Montana.
Pensiunea Tulnicu

Pensiunea Tulnicu * *

Address: Str. Izvoarele, Nr. 22
  Gârda de Sus, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 778020

The Flowers, the hospitality and call in Tulnic waiting to "POPASUL TULNICU" from Grada de sus.
Pensiunea Iuliana

Pensiunea Iuliana * *

Address: Nr. 352B
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 870534

The Iuliana Pension is situated in the Apuseni Mountains, in a resort from Alba county, on the DN 75, that connects the towns Campeni and Stei, being the ideal place for spending free time or an unforgettable holiday in mountains.
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Pensiunea Ungur * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 172
  Beliş, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 334066

Mobile: +40 733 404921;+40 744 939124

The Ungur Pension is situated in the center of Belis (near the school). The host offers accomodation in 7 double rooms (5 rooms with their own bathrooms) TV, cantral heating, fully equipped kitchen, living room and an apartment of 2 rooms with double bed, bathroom and kitchen.
Pensiunea Rustica

Pensiunea Rustica * *

Address: Str. Crisan Nr. 36
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Mobile: +40 740 024710;+40 745 535079

Pensiunea Bradul

Pensiunea Bradul * *

Address: Str. Crisan Nr. 77
  Albac, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 777039

Mobile: +40 740 698303;+40 743 012103;+40 743 506523

Complex turistic Vank

Complex turistic Vank * *

Address: Str. Centru Nr. 29A
  Arieşeni, Alba county, Romania

Phone: +40 258 779075

Mobile: +40 788 669018;+40 744 572605.

Vank Villa is situated in the small village of Arieseni, at the border between Alba and Bihor districts. The 75th National Road is the main acces way to our resort, located at some 130 km away from the town of Alba-Iulia, 110 km from Oradea and also 130 km from Cluj Napoca.


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