Hospitality offers in Gorj county

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Pensiunea Orizont

Pensiunea Orizont * *

Address: Târgu Jiu, Gorj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 740 010532;+40 746 026866

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Motel Otto * * *

Address: Zona Ranca, Str. Gheorghe Tatarascu, P.71
  Novaci, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: +40 724 580339

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Pensiunea Speranta * * *

Address: Baia de Fier, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: +40 251 413100

Fax: +40 251 410565

Hotel Tismana

Hotel Tismana * *

Address: Str. Manastirii, localitatea Tismana, judetul Gorj
  Tismana, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: 0253-374.110

Tismana ** Hostel is located 300 meters from Tismana Monastery, at the foot of Starmina.
Hotel Lainici

Hotel Lainici * *

Address: Str. Lainici Nr. 4
  Bumbeşti-Jiu, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: +40 253 463502

Mobile: +40 743 469915;+40 744 223832

Fax: +40 253 463502

Hotel Lainici is located to 29 km from Targu Jiu, in pass Lainici, in town Bumbeşti-Jiu. Near the monastery Lainici.
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Cabana Focsan * * *

Address: Str. Tatarascu Nr. 87
  Novaci, Gorj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 724 4080408

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Pensiunea Intim * *

Address: Str. Severinului Nr. 2
  Motru, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: +40 253 410270

Fax: +40 253 410270

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Hostel Ach * *

Address: Str. Hidrocentralei Nr. 49
  Târgu Jiu, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: +40 253 216736

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Pensiunea Ciuperca * *

Address: Muntele Parang
  Novaci-Ranca, Gorj county, Romania

Phone: +40 253 235032

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Pensiunea Chic * * *

Address: Baia de Fier, Gorj county, Romania



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