Hospitality offers in Harghita county

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Pensiunea Kati * * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 1
  Corund, Harghita county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 589667

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Pensiunea Zetevar - Tours * * *

Address: Str. Desag, Nr. 22/A
  Zetea (subcetate), Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 217203

Mobile: +40 755 061555

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Pensiunea Prajd * * * *

Address: Nr. 1085
  Praid, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 240471

Fax: +40 266 240471

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Pensiunea Edit * *

Address: Str. Principala, nr. 1182
  Praid, Harghita county, Romania

Pensiunea Kaffai

Pensiunea Kaffai * *

Address: Str. Garii, nr. 96
  Izvoru Mureșului, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 336942

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Hotel Vienez * * *

Address: Str. Kuvar, Nr. 15
  Odorheiu Secuiesc, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 212602;+40 266 218215

Mobile: +40 745 606128;+40 745 630024;+40 744 530709

Fax: +40 266 218215

Hotel Vienez, in the center of Odorheiu Secuiesc, Székelyudvarhely can be easily accessed from any direction. If you are looking for relaxation this place awaits you with an atmosphere of intimacy, 12 rooms and a luxurious apartment (it can sleep altogether 31 people).
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Pensiunea Andras Zoltan * *

Address: Sat Plaiesii de Sus, nr. 315
  Plăieșii de Jos, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 333124

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Pensiunea Olah *

Address: Nr. 1181
  Praid, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 240523

Pensiunea Csomad

Pensiunea Csomad * * *

Address: Str. Kovacs Miklos, nr. 60-62
  Băile Tuşnad, Harghita county, Romania

Phone: +40 266 335550

Mobile: +40 744 586929

Fax: +40 266 335550

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Pensiunea Balog Ferenc * *

Address: Str. Koves Nr. 61
  Racu, Harghita county, Romania



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