Hospitality offers in Vâlcea county

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Vila Fagul *

Address: Str. Fagului Nr. 7
  Băile Govora, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 770430

Pensiunea Manasie

Pensiunea Manasie * *

Address: Str T. Gh. Duca Nr. 57
  Voineasa, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 754656

Pensiunea Izvoare

Pensiunea Izvoare * * *

Address: Str. Mihai Eminescu Nr. 7
  Băile Olăneşti, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 775876

Mobile: +40 721 176330

Pensiunea Casa Alba

Pensiunea Casa Alba * *

Address: Str. Tudor Vladimirescu Nr. 41
  Râmnicu Vâlcea, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 737444

Motel Casa Olteneasca

Motel Casa Olteneasca * * *

Address: Aldesti, E81, Km7
  Goleşti, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 760068

Mobile: +40 744 532797

Fax: +40 250 760059

Located 170 km from Bucharest and 7 km from Rm, the motel offers excellent accommodation, combining architecture, ambiance and hospitality with comfort.
Pensiunea Alfrid

Pensiunea Alfrid * * *

Address: Str. Calea lui Traian, Nr. 784
  Călimăneşti, 245600, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 751608

Mobile: +40 788 569842;+40 788 761000

Hotel Nina

Hotel Nina * * *

Address: Str. Carol Davila Nr. 3
  Băile Olăneşti, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 775177

Fax: +40 250 775243

Luxurious, refurbished following latest design trends and destined for both domestic tourists and foreign ones, the hotel stands for the modern version of the one featuring the 40s.
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Pensiunea Adina * *

Address: Str. N. Balcescu Nr.3
  Voineasa, Vâlcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 952020;+40 740 512050

Pensiunea Evrica

Pensiunea Evrica * * *

Address: Str. Principala, Nr. 23
  Costeşti, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 863365

Mobile: +40 722 226422;+40 724 060174;+40 749 244717

Fax: +40 250 863365

Pensiunea Bella Venere

Pensiunea Bella Venere * * *

Address: Str. Voinesita, Nr. 58 D
  Voineasa, Vâlcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 250 754631

Mobile: +40 742 349165;+40 744 759216

Fax: +40 250 754631



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