Hotels from Chilia Veche

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Pensiunea Mariuta

Pensiunea Mariuta * * *

Address: Chilia Veche, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 557671

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Pensiunea Batac * *

Address: Localitate
  Chilia Veche, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 531080

Batac Pension, rated at 2 stars, offers accommodation in 6 double rooms with shared bathrooms.
Pensiunea Solunar

Pensiunea Solunar * *

Address: Sat Chilia Veche FN
  Chilia Veche, Tulcea county, Romania

Mobile: +40 744 573126;+40 752 297357

Pension is situated near the Danube, with direct access to boats and has a capacity of 13 accommodation places.


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