Hotels from Mila 23

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Pensiunea La Vica

Pensiunea La Vica * *

Address: Mila 23, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546442

Mobile: +40 744 285933;+40 744 422473

Fax: +40 240 546442

Pensiunea Valodea

Pensiunea Valodea * *

Address: Localitate
  Mila 23, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546393

The pension is located in the Mile 23 village, in the heart of the Danube Delta, providing accommodation in full board or half board.
Picture unavailable

Pensiunea Cristina * *

Address: Mila 23
  Mila 23, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546430

Pensiunea Inima Deltei

Pensiunea Inima Deltei * * *

Address: Mila 23
  Mila 23, Tulcea county, Romania

Phone: +40 240 546481

Mobile: +40 721 940770;+40 749 852034;+40 768 588542



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