Gura Portiței



Gura portitei has been documentary attested since 1710.

Here there was built a touritstic complex, called Eden, name inspired by the beauty of the landscape. The amusement park includes all the facilities to be found in the catalogues of the most famous touristic companies from the world. There are possibilities of accommodation for everybody and the prices are low, considering the fact that the whole complex is situated in a very uninhabited area.

There are many possibilities of agrement too, trying to satisfy each visitor. There are trips organized daily on Danube , rental of the boats, motor boats, ski jet, tennis and volleyball fields.

For those who are looking for a holiday in a nice, quiet place, surrounded by water and fresh air, visit Gura Portitei.


Photo galery

Gura Portiței / 1Gura Portiței / 2Gura Portiței / 3Gura Portiței / 4Gura Portiței / 5Gura Portiței / 6Gura Portiței / 7Gura Portiței / 8



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