Hotels from Castelul Teleki din Pribileşti

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Hostel Seneca

Hostel Seneca * * *

Address: Str. Motorului Nr. 1/15
  Baia Mare, 430013, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +4 0262 224613

Mobile: +4 0724 288630 +4 0724 288631

Fax: +4 0262 224613

The Seneca Hotel is situated on the entrance in Baia Mare from Cluj. It offers its clients 60 comfortable rooms, 10 with a bed, 29 with 2 beds and 21 with double bed, classified on 2 and 3 stars.
Pensiunea Andivya

Pensiunea Andivya * * *

Address: Str. Victor Babes Nr. 36C
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 424067

Mobile: +40 744 601731;+40 744 190643

Fax: +40 262 424076

The Andyvia Pension is situated in a quiet area of Baia Mare and it offers 12 accomodation places.
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Pensiunea Hangita * *

Address: Str. 8 Martie Nr. 4A
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Located at the exit from Baia Mare to Firiza, in a secluded and quiet, innkeeper House offers 24 beds in 12 double rooms with bathroom and balcony. From here, just 2 km away where you can fish Firiza dam, swim, or boat .
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Pensiunea Dora * * *

Address: Str. Floreni Nr. 8
  Șomcuta Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Mobile: +40 722 123515

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Hotel Alahambra *

Address: Str. Lapusului Nr. 7
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 274946

Fax: +40 262 274946

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Pensiunea La Carol * *

Address: Str. Ioan Buteanu, Nr. 8
  Șomcuta Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 280997

Mobile: +40 745 296732

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Motel Pecomar * *

Address: Bd. Bucuresti Nr. 46
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 220975;+40 262 220978

Pecomar Motel has 16 places.
Complex Lostrita

Complex Lostrita * * *

Address: Str. Blidari Nr. 13B
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 270216

Mobile: +40 744 471692

The Lostrita offers 52 beds, 19 bedded rooms, 4 double rooms and 2 rooms with 3 beds, all equipped with bathrooms and TV with satellite equipment.
Pensiunea Fantezia

Pensiunea Fantezia * * *

Address: Str Somes Nr. 38
  Șomcuta Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 281660

Mobile: +40 744 568545;+40 746 896929

Fax: +40 262 281660

Pension Fantasia is situated in Maramures county, Somcuta-Sea city, at 25 km from Baia Mare.
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Pensiunea Pastravul * * *

Address: Str. Firiza Nr. 190
  Baia Mare, Maramureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 262 270077



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