Hotels from Castelul de la Gilău

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Motel Gilau (Ro Tours)

Motel Gilau (Ro Tours) * *

Address: Str.Republicii, FN
  Gilău, 407310, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371745;+40 264 371746

Mobile: +40 729 885230

Fax: +40 264 371746

Hotel Gilau has 58 accomodation areas, structured in double rooms and apartments. The double rooms have their own showers cabins, terrace or balcony, TV and TV cable, national and international access phone.
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Pensiunea Roata * *

Address: Sat Somesu Rece, Str. Principala, Nr.463
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 0264 372857

Mobile: +40 0745 656418

Far from the noise of the town, in nature, the Roata Pension Gilau wellcomes you and offers best quality accomodation conditions.
Vila Cionca

Vila Cionca * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr.625
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371288

Mobile: +40 746 658730

Fax: +40 264 371288

The Villa Cionca Pension is situated in Gilau, only 14 km away from Cluj-Napoca. Situated in a wonderful area, surrounded by forrests, the villa Cionca pension offers unique moments.
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Motel Solaris * * *

Address: Str. Branistei Nr. 25A
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371600

Mobile: +40 745 890315

Fax: +40 264 371600

Motel Solaris is situated in a quiet area, 10 km away from Cluj Napoca to Oradea, near DN1, around Gilau Mountains and the Tarnita lake. The motel has 3 single rooms, 14 double rooms, 4 rooms with 3 beds and 3 rooms with 4 beds.
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Motel Dalia * * *

Address: DN-E60
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371077

Mobile: +40 744 636513;+40 729 009221

The Dalia Motel is a 3-star motel situated in Cluj, on the main road to the exit from Oradea. The rooms are comfortable, having many modern elemnts: phone, access to the internet, air conditioning, TV cable.
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Pensiunea Hanul Lui Blaj * *

Address: Str Principala Nr 143, Sat Somesul Cald
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 745 610778

The pension is situated in Gilau, about 10 km away from Cluj-Napoca and offers 2 stars conditions.
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Complex Milenium * *

Address: Str. Dermata
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 350331;

Fax: +40 264 430239

The Milenium Complex is situated in a mountain area of Cluj county on a hill on an altitude of 249 meters.
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Camping Eldorado * * *

Address: DN 1, KM 496+600
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371688

Mobile: +40 745 566308

Fax: +40 264 371688

Welcome to our three stars camp site Eldorado, Gilau. Congratulated with your choice to visit this area!
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Pensiunea Tudorana * *

Address: Str. Somesu Rece Nr. 1154
  Gilău, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371431;+40 264 575428

Mobile: +40 724 055915;+40 721 240107

The Tudorana Pension can be your home for one weekend or a dream holiday. It is situated in Gilau, 15 km away from Cluj-Napoca.
Vila Gong

Vila Gong * * *

Address: Str. Somesu Rece, Nr. 1153/C
  Gilău, 407310 , Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 371468

Mobile: +40 723 193977

Fax: +40 264 371498

Gong Villa is situated in Gilau, 15 km awaz from Cluj-Napoca-Oradea, 700 km awaz from E60 road.


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