Hotels from Castelul Béldy din Jibou

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Pensiunea La Gradina

Pensiunea La Gradina * * *

Address: Str. G. Cosbuc Nr. 1C
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Mobile: +4-0745-005815 +4-0745-381193

Vila President

Vila President * * *

Address: Str. Corneliu Coposu, Nr.136
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 660731

Mobile: +40 744 863995

President villa is located in a residential area of the city, at a few minutes from downtown.
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Camping Boghis *

Address: Nr. 5
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Pensiunea Shalom

Pensiunea Shalom * * *

Address: Str. Cd. Gherea Nr. 10
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 619015

Mobile: +40 742 591764

Fax: +40 260 619015

Hotel Royal

Hotel Royal * * *

Address: Str. Cetinei Nr. 12
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 606061

Mobile: +40 743 022066

Hotel Royal is just 1 km away from Zalău’s centre, in Sălaj County. Its elegant rooms have a balcony and free Wi-Fi. Facilities include a restaurant and a garden surrounded by a large covered terrace.
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Pensiunea Casa Ando * * *

Address: Str. Gheorghe Doja, Nr. 66A
  Jibou, Sălaj county, Romania

Mobile: +40 766 287704

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Pensiunea Domino *

Address: Str. T. Vladimirescu Nr. 38A
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 618471

Hotel Patry'S

Hotel Patry'S * * *

Address: B-dul Mihai Viteazul, Nr. 129
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 360 401034

Mobile: +40 744 793620

Fax: +40 360 401035

Traditional hospitality and professional service will await Avenue Michael the Brave, no. 129.
Pensiunea Ramona

Pensiunea Ramona * * *

Address: Bd. Mihai Viteazul Nr. 84D
  Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 617267

Mobile: +40 744 545438;+40 744 150911

Fax: +40 260 617267

RAMONA touristic pension , was inaugurated in the year 2000. The pension offers the comfort and services corresponding to 3 stars tourist classification, these resulting from a long and sustained investment program. The investment program was driven by a strong motivation to offer a variety of professional accommodation and restaurant services in the area of Zalau city and Salaj county.
Pensiunea Colina

Pensiunea Colina * * *

Address: Nr. 166A
  Crişeni, Sălaj county, Romania

Phone: +40 260 621103

Fax: +40 260 621105



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