Hotels from Castelul Apaffy din Dumbrăveni

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Pensiunea Flori * *

Address: Str. N. Balcescu Nr. 26
  Biertan, Sibiu county, Romania

Camping Vila Franka

Camping Vila Franka * *

Address: Str. Dealu Garii Nr. 7
  Sighișoara, Mureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 265 771046

Hotel Rex

Hotel Rex * * *

Address: Str. Dumbravei Nr. 18
  Sighișoara, 545400, Mureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 265 777615

Fax: +40 265 777431

The Rex Hotel is situated in the center of Sighisoara and very close from the tourist area- the Medieval Citadel and the Upper Side of the town.
Hotel Traube

Hotel Traube * * *

Address: Str. Regele Ferdinand, Nr. 16
  Mediaş, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 844898

Fax: +40 269 832000

Hotel Traube is located near the St. Margaret Clock Tower in Medias' historical centre.
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Pensiunea Casa Georgius Krauss *

Address: Str. Bastionului Nr. 11
  Sighișoara, Mureş county, Romania

Pensiunea Tiriba

Pensiunea Tiriba * *

Address: Str. Aurel Vlaicu Nr. 30
  Biertan, Sibiu county, Romania

Phone: +40 269 868277

Pensiunea Baier Hoff

Pensiunea Baier Hoff * * *

Address: Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, Nr. 5
  Sighișoara, Mureş county, Romania

Phone: +4-0265-771521

The Pension Baier Hoff is situated in the center of the city, very close to the Sighisoara Citadel.
Pensiunea Dracula Daneş

Pensiunea Dracula Daneş * * *

Address: Str. Principala Nr. 804
  Daneş, Mureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 265 772211;+40 265 761735

Mobile: +40 744 707799

Fax: +40 265 762042

Accomodation - Twin rooms ready for 26 persons - 2 matrimonial rooms for 2 persons each - 1 superior room with two beds
Pensiunea Norbert

Pensiunea Norbert * * *

Address: Str. Viilor Nr. 85
  Sighișoara, 545400, Mureş county, Romania

Mobile: +40 742 122940;+40 756 768274

The Norbert Pension is situated 1 km away from the train station and 2 km away from the center, far from the noise of the city, in a very beautiful area, close to the forest, where there can be organized small trips.
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Pensiunea Centru De Turism Ecvestru Danes * * *

Address: Str.Principala Nr. 804, Ap 1
  Daneş, Mureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 265 772211



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